I grind my own coffee, and at home I use a Capresso Burr Grinder. Lets me select how course (for French Press) or fine (for Aeropress) I want the beans. When I am home alone-which is most mornings-I use an Aeropress, and this is what I take on my paddling trips as well. Personally, I think it...
Regarding the Swift canoes, that carbon Keewaydin 16 was stunning. Then again, for the price, the thing better peel potatoes and chop onions once in camp. I do wish there was a Swift retailer in the Twin Cities.
I have had one for years, and I like it-and that is saying something as I despise hats in general. Recall arguing with one of my Little League coaches about not wanting to wear a baseball cap. Went back and forth for a few games before I finally flat out lied to him and told him I had lost it.
Hope the injury is nothing serious and is soon behind you. With the weather rolling in, it will still be a few days before I get out. Probably on the St. Croix for my maiden voyage; there is a really cool blue heron rookery near Stillwater that I have not visited for a few years. Will get some...
When I moved it out this morning, I tried to get back into the hotel room through the door-but I had it locked from the inside. Luckily, I was able to again open the window from the outside or I am not sure how I would have got the rest of my stuff.
So, today I picked up my new-to-me Swift Keewaydin 15. This is the full carbon layup, and she is virtually brand new. I live in the Minneapolis area, so I am spending the night in Kalamazoo, MI where I met the seller-twas actually his post in the classified here where I learned of this...
I am debating whether or not to bring a small tarp along with the Lean this yer. Kind of defeats the purpose of using the Lean, but with the amount of rain I had last year it would have been nice to have a tarp under which to cook. The Lean has an awning, but it is pretty low to the ground.