• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. R

    While we are on the subject of pants...

    Been wearing the Fjallraven Vita pros lately in the colder times and some north face paramount convertibles when things get hot. Its pretty buggy where I trip so like the thicker fabrics. Those Duluth pants look pretty sweet, they just got added to the Christmas list!
  2. R

    DIY Poly tarp tent footprints

    Tyvek and typar are really easy to find for cheap too if you go to a developing subdivision. Just look for the houses that are being sided or papered and wired and either dumperster dive or offer the crew a round of Timmies and they’ll probably give you a chunk.
  3. R

    General Trip Gear

    The twig stove hard at work. When you have the fry bake to go with it, it opens up a lot of culinary doors. Pretty sure there’s chilli and corn bread cooking in that pic. I’m with ya Johnny on the bug shelters. Good freestanding bug tents are hard to find these days. Ended up making one for...
  4. R

    General Trip Gear

    I love lists, here‘s my solo stuff: Canoe Yoke Paddles Paddle straps Life jacket Throw bags Sponge Wrap kit Spray deck Repair kit Bailing/pee bucket Tent Bug tent Tarp Poles Pegs Tarp ropes Camp chair Sleeping bag Sleeping pad Clothes Sheep Boots Shoes Rain gear Sealine 30L day pack Food...
  5. R

    Preferred tripping style ?

    On the same boat as you Erk, never could get my head around big groups. Any more than 3 tents and things generally get uncomfortable, there’s only so much flat ground out there in shield country for a good nights sleep.
  6. R

    Preferred tripping style ?

    I enjoy two types of tripping. Solo - hard and fast With my partner and 3 young boys - definitely not hard and fast but we still get’er done. Watching them play and explore is truly the best. Lots of love for the old canvas packs here too!
  7. R

    Canoe length and charter flights

    I like big boats too! With all my brood and livestock, I’d wished I’d gone with the 20’ Mac to squeeze them all in for a few years. I’ve never had an issue tying my 18’6 Mackenzie or 18’ prospector on to a beaver or otters pontoons, no pilot has ever asked or even blinked an eye at the BBC’s...
  8. R

    Let’s talk modern manufactured canoe length double blades

    250cm aquabound hybrid sting ray in a caribou s. It gets ya a little wet. Nice paddle tho. I see a 260 full carbon of some variety in the future. Any recommendations?
  9. R

    Is Canoe Trolling REALLY Trolling?

    I take an 8’ med heavy power, med action when up in the far North trolling for big Lakers. 20 plus lbs fish is very common and they are incredibly feisty and the quicker the fight and release, the better for their survival. The extra length makes the heavier weight rod a little less like a 2x4...
  10. R

    Hello from Sundridge

    Hi! Jealous of your location, canoe country for sure. I used to live outside Powassan and wife has family in Sundridge. The north part of the park is where it’s at for sure! We miss that part of the country and all it’s interesting backroads. Q the banjo. :p Cheers! Rubb
  11. R

    Stoves for the backcountry.

    I got into twig stoves and fire boxes the past few years and now won’t leave home without one. The fire grate goes no matter what and gas stoves are for emergencies, super duper crappy weather or beyond the trees. Thanks to you tube, I discovered the top down burn on the mini twig stove...
  12. R

    Goin' Treeless

    Calling the north the barrens is misleading, it definitely isn’t.
  13. R

    New member in Saskatchewan

    Hey BirchBeer Fellow flatlander and builder here in the Queens city, I spend considerable time in your neck of the woods in the autumn chasing feathered things, absolutely love the Gravelbourg area. One thing about living where we do is when you go to do a trip, you gotta go big, the drive is...
  14. R

    What's going to be your first trip once the border opens

    Southern Canuck paddler here. Can’t wait for the territories to open up again. First stop once Nunavut reopens is the Thlewiaza. This years plans are to cross the Chipman into Selwyn for a very breif visit in NWT and then return to Black Lake via the Porcupine. Luckily for the canoe...
  15. R

    Lucifer's Portage

    I definitely can’t compete with Tom McCloud. My worst was probably the Methy back around 2009. The Clearwater was in super flood conditions that year and the Methy was flooded too. Once we climbed, or more like slithered and crawled up and out of the 5 km valley through knee deep clay mud and...
  16. R

    Collector or connoisseur

    After watching an interview the other day of a fairly prolific paddler talking about his favourite spots to paddle, where he touched on the subject of favourite rivers to paddle and the number of times they had been down these routes, it got me thinking about my tripping preferences and what...
  17. R

    Collector or connoisseur

    After watching an interview the other day of a fairly prolific paddler talking about his favourite spots to paddle, where he touched on the subject of favourite rivers to paddle and the number of times they had been down these routes, it got me thinking about my tripping preferences and what...
  18. R

    How long is your streak?

    26 years here, wow time flys! Kind of wish I’d keep better track of the journey. My partner and I have kept it going with young kids, just dialled it back a little bit. Now we’re back to longer trips again and the kids have lots of good stories and memories. Lots of work taking them remote...
  19. R

    Historical Fiction Recommendations

    Joseph Boyden trilogy, Three Day Road, Through Black Spruce, and The Orenda. Most excellent reading.
  20. R

    Old Growth Timber

    What product are you referring to? I’d guess it’s a matter of fact. As far as I know there are a couple ways this old growth wood is obtained. They Ottawa River and surrounding rivers and lakes have tons of old growth timber in them. There is an industry of reclaiming this wood that has been...