• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. R

    Pack Weight Ratios

    I’d have to say in the area of 60lbs, much more starts being not fun. The food barrels usually start the trip in the 60 to 70 lbs range, get carried on their own with stuff in the hands like paddles and fishing poles, not a comfortable load for the first few days. Barrels suck. The clothes and...
  2. R

    Mason fire box and other musings

    Hey Jim, super interesting projects! I‘ve a couple of questions if you wouldn‘t mind. What are the dimensions of the bigger box? What gauge of titanium did you use?
  3. R

    Weather Forecasts (are today’s whippersnappers spoiled?)

    I have a meteorologist in the family, they tell me anything beyond 4 days is just a crap shoot, and you can throw the 14 day forecast out the window. I used stress about the forecast pre-trip, gave that up tho cause over a long trip your gonna see it all anyways, so no forecast checking before...
  4. R

    Wood paddles - which style and maker do you like?

    I wish I didn’t have to endure -30 winters, I’ll trade ya! Those Bruce Smith paddles look real nice. Somewhere between the classic and the beaver tail would be just about perfect.
  5. R

    Wood paddles - which style and maker do you like?

    Been using a Grey Owl Tripper in oiled cherry for the last 20 some years. It’s been everywhere, lost count of the miles on it. Made a bunch and bought a few others paddles but always use the Tripper In the flat stuff. I don’t think the quality of wood is as good these days as it was when my...
  6. R

    Milk River, Alberta - Del Bonita to Writing on Stone Provincial Park

    Nice! Super interesting area, it’s high on the to do list, but I’m not so keen on the rattle snakes tho! Looks like lower levels could be a real grind.
  7. R

    Poll: How much is your spouse or SO interested in canoeing compared to you?

    Met my partner in a tree planting camp, so she’s all into the bush life. She cares about her job more than canoe travel, I’m the other way around, so only an 80 for her.
  8. R

    Bothwell Voyageur Twig Stove

    Thanks for the review, they really are quite ingenious. Is that the nomad or the nomad xt?. Bothwell Voyager makes some great stuff! We’ve been using one of his bigger Yukon fire boxes for our family trips and despite its weight, we don’t leave home without it. It’s built like a tank and I...
  9. R

    Had to get a Yak - Blue Steel: Meh.

    Meh, No dis, but your expectations of composites might be a little high. Canoes look better with scratches.
  10. R

    Dedicated screen shelter for cooking and relaxing

    we’re loving our Eureka too! It gets a 10 for comfort in decent weather. As for the OP, Absolutely, and especially if you are introducing new people to the bush/canoe tripping. Peak bugs in the north is a spectacle best seen in camp behind a screen. IMO (talking level 10 bugs) there is...
  11. R

    General Trip Gear

    Around my neck of the woods, spraydecks are the standard practice nowadays for loaded whitewater.
  12. R

    Canoe tripping cat?

    Gonna give it a go, not thinking big trips. I have these images in my head of a cat running down a portage trail behind us, leaping over puddles and scurrying across logs keeping up with the dogs and the boys. I probably watch too much tv. For sure training cats isnt easy, but I’ve seen my aunt...
  13. R

    Canoe tripping cat?

    All this talk about training dogs got me thinking. We‘re considering getting a cat, curious if anyone has ever trained their cat to go tripping with them? Not talking one of those big white ones everyone wants for bear defence 😁.
  14. R

    Grizzly bears in Manitoba

    Indeed interesting! Thanks for posting.
  15. R

    Question on Clipper Canoe

    I don’t think the border would be an issue. Im not 100% sure of the particulars but the Free Trade agreement between our countries gets rid of the duties on products made in our countries, not sure how GST and PST works though. Between this and a favourable American exchange rate it’s a great...
  16. R

    Question on Clipper Canoe

    The Sea Clipper sounds like it would be a great fit for the OP. I missed out on a used one a little while ago because I hummed and hawed a little too long about the price. Big mistake. There’s lots of good reviews and trip reports by paddlers using the Sea Clipper. A good one that comes to mind...
  17. R

    Question on Clipper Canoe

    Clippers are everywhere in western Canada, probably the most common brand of boat. Unfortunately I can’t make any comparisons to the Champlain but heres what I know about the littler Big Mac. I’ve got the 18’6 MacKenzie and have put lots of miles on it paddling mostly rivers in shield country...
  18. R

    Books that made a profound impact

    Song of the Paddle as well as the other Mason books, but without a doubt, Song of the Paddle. Its definitely the rattiest looking book on the shelf. For fiction, Lost in the Barrens and The Curse of the Viking Grave were very inspiring, and still are.
  19. R

    Very inexpensive gear that is very valuable

    Paddle straps, double sided Velcro with d/rings sowed on. Telescopic fishing poles, they’ve come a long ways and are still cheap