• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. Abenakiregion

    My first wood canvas canoe, Chestnut Pal

    You forgot to list "if it's a personal challenge". I've got a 20' White Guide that was gifted as a challenge. After 39 ribs, two stems, new in and out wales, and lots of planking, she's as good as new.
  2. Abenakiregion

    My first wood canvas canoe, Chestnut Pal

    Tried to give your post a "like", but it's another function that doesn't work for me, so I'll do it this way.
  3. Abenakiregion

    West Branch Penobscot River and Chesuncook Village .. from a 1984 Yankee Magazine..

    Nice story. Alexandra and Garrett were my mentors when I was in the process of getting my guide license in the early nineties. Heard many stories, around the campfires, of their time with Mick. Rocky Rips could get a bit "sporty" after the Fall draw down in combination with a dry summer. They...
  4. Abenakiregion

    National Canoe Day, June 26

    I missed it too. Nice color. My two Prospectors are that color. Haven't been able to post pictures lately.
  5. Abenakiregion

    Seal River in Northern Manitoba

    How about all of them? Dave
  6. Abenakiregion

    Photo of the day

    Spencer Lake, near Jackman, Maine.​
  7. Abenakiregion

    Annual Trip To Umbagog or Time to Relax

    Nice report. Spent many days on that lake and the Magalloway. One run on the Rapid in a Tripper tandem. Very challenging run! Cedar Stump is a nice site when the crowds are gone. Dave
  8. Abenakiregion

    canvas damage and repairs needed

    I recently came across a Prospecter that had a narrow strip of cedar planking tacked under the gunnel for the same purpose. Painted the same color as the canvas it was not very noticable. If applied with bedding compound it would probably last for some time. Dave
  9. Abenakiregion

    Cross Bow Draw

    It becomes somewhat counter intuitive to stick a paddle blade down and hold it in the rock gardens I usually find myself in.
  10. Abenakiregion

    Rethinking 30 years of soloing tandems

    My canoes are 17'6",18'6" and 20' When solo I kneel just foward of the stern thwart. That gives me lots of trim options up to the carry thwart. It's pretty easy to heel the canoe to the paddle side for ease of turning and effectively narrows the beam as regards reaching over the gunnels. When...
  11. Abenakiregion

    Rethinking 30 years of soloing tandems

    Better have a strong brace ready on those leans! A friend of mine was trying that in an OT Tripper. When he reached back for his water bottle it was game over. Only a few inches of beam when the bow is skyward.
  12. Abenakiregion

    Review of Estwing Sportsman's Axe

    You could get a replacement head, but it wouldn't be a likely the existing handle would fit the new eye properly.
  13. Abenakiregion

    Latest build

    The canoe is an E.M. White style 17 1/2' 35" beam. Always have a couple paddle blanks to whittle if I get bored. Dave
  14. Abenakiregion

    Latest build

    The canoe is going to a friend I used to work with. I'll be taking one of my work horses. We're headed for Spencer Lake in the Jackman area. Dave
  15. Abenakiregion

    Latest build

    Just wrapping up my latest WC build. Here are some pics of the build. Should be on her first trip in a week or so. Dave
  16. Abenakiregion

    Canoe construction material question.

    A wood canvas canoe can be built on a form similar to a stripper. Without the solid wood and metal bands, the tacks have to be backed with a clinching iron. Much less involved, material wise for one or two builds, but a bit more work. Dave
  17. Abenakiregion

    Anyone into big canoes?

    Here's one of my 20 footers. Unfortunately well north of 60 lbs.