• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    Im told the creek that connects Finger and Wasilla lake’s is open at the culvert on the Seward Meridian. I will confirm this Monday. The Eklutna tailrace is open but it looked pretty skinny. Id rather have some actual paddling water as im not interested in poling the parade boat!
  2. Alasgun

    Joe Seliga’s “the art of the canoe”

    I recently purchased this book and am posting here due to the extremely well documented method of building he used. This was an e-bay 2nd hand purchase; what a find. $18 and i cant tell it was every cracked, it’s that perfect. Over the next bit i will devour the contents and fully expect it to...
  3. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    When i think of “over hanging” branches, low enough to snag that trim; i remember days as a kid in Florida and all the snakes we shot off of those limbs!! I can assure you at 72, there will not be any “low branch” or other tricky locations requiring me to dodge anything overhead. The Alaskan...
  4. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    Alright, this is certainly something to bear in mind. Once i had the caps carved they were submerged overnight in a wood hardener then left to cure a day or so before being glued to the hull. Once the final filing/sanding was done they each received a coat of good spar varnish and are now...
  5. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    With 2 of you commenting; i‘m scratching my head wondering where this water will build up? Both caps are solid wood and were glued to the hull with G-flex. I guess you’re gonna have to splain it to my dumb arse, what im looking for.
  6. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    I figured I’d need these too.
  7. Alasgun

    Old serviceable canoes

    This Old Town (16ft) is listed for $300 in Fairbanks. Can anyone identify it? I can only scroll so big and no verbiage is evident. Facebook marketplace, Fairbanks am.
  8. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    Builders use any number of “terminations” for Gunnels. It seems pretty common to see them cut short on the outside, which i don’t care for. So, the first thing i did when i got mine home was to knock together a canoe stand to work with before making a couple proper nose caps. This is simply a...
  9. Alasgun


    “Rodents”! https://www.alaskasnewssource.com/2023/04/07/whats-code-this-moose-wanders-into-providence-hospital-lobby-anchorage/
  10. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    Let’s try that again.
  11. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    Here’s that form lf anyone wants to take a nice drive! I couldnt get this particular listing to copy over but a picture’s attached below.
  12. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    @Jim Dodd, after walking thru the process once; I’d agree that I can probably do a decent job building a boat. Right now on Facebook marketplace There’s and W/C form for sale in Sterling @ $2500 and it looks like superb workmanship. I’m sure it could be used or altered and used for strippers and...
  13. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    The maker told me 49, which I have not confirmed yet.
  14. Alasgun

    Share your opinion on a new canoe?

    Look what followed me home today! I’ll try to get it wet in the next couple weeks.
  15. Alasgun

    Anyone Named their boat(s)

    When we had the ocean boat it was the Huda Thunkit, which our Daughter now owns and Old Town had all ready named one of the canoes for us, Discovery 133, i’ll just call it the Dip ship and that leaves the new composite boat nameless. One thing a learned early on; if you get too rambunctious and...
  16. Alasgun

    Learning pole?

    Thanks for the helpful advice @Chip, the pole weighs 5lb even. 13 ft does seem long But i’ve got at least a dozen types of saws! When i ponder potential poling streams im just winging it until i get some experience, knowing there’ll be changes at some point. Thanks for the book offer as well! At...
  17. Alasgun

    Learning pole?

    All I need now is water! My “learning pole” will be complete when the varnish dries. I’ve upgraded the Home Depot rod and am eager to see what comes of this adventure. The red section is 4 ft long and has a glass sleeve. The carbon section is 6 ft long and sports a “uni” sleeve. I’m just...
  18. Alasgun

    Waterproof Gutter Tape

    I recently tried “Flex seal Tape” and it’s scarry! If any of you know what Grace Water Seal (bituthane) is, this stuff makes the Grace look like a bandaid! Comes in lots of width’s and some colors. A roll will be in the canoe kit come spring. Id be very confident in a pretty bad owie being...
  19. Alasgun

    Learning pole?

    This is a Home Depot pole project, Hemlock i believe and im heading into this open minded and willing to “up-grade” my equipment if poling becomes a thing for me. All i’ve really done was copy a lot of what i see on here, tapered a 13ft. pole from 1.5 down to 1.3 with an electric hand plane...
  20. Alasgun

    Researching a fishing/hunting paddle

    Thanks guys, “skulling paddle” yielded results on the search engine, and since it’s possible it came from “duck country” it could also possibly be Cyprus or Sassafras wood? Anyway, it’s a nice old find and will look good on a wall.