• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. Alasgun

    Thinking of making a carbon fiber paddle...

    Sorry for missing this earlier, been busy; ive made them from balsa where i buy various pieces and glue them into a close approximation and i’ve just used a piece of pink board and profiled the proper “form” using my milling machine after which they were final shaped with a rasp and paper...
  2. Alasgun

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    Today i got my “hammock” sewn in place and am very happy with the outcome. Immediately underneath it is where the kill bag rides so the whole process of dealing with fresh, floppy fish has been improved dramatically! Since this whole fishery is so Rodeo’ish knocking seconds off my cycle time is...
  3. Alasgun

    Kevin Callan: Death of the Campfire

    Ive found a lot to agree with in this thread and would add a small tid-bit for my “indoor camp fire”. I built this stove back at Y2K and thankfully the world DID NOT end! In Alaska a “second heat source” is comforting and this one was built to do it all. 14 gallon water tank on the back for...
  4. Alasgun

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    A knob of some sort helps me know the direction the net’s pointed when im not paying attention, during a slow period. That piece of English walnut was left over from a bygone stocking project. The other one has a smaller aluminum top with a groove machined across it that is easily felt with your...
  5. Alasgun

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    I don’t know what else to add here so i’ll just add some pictures which are usually a welcome thing. Headed thru the culvert walking behind the canoe till there’s enough water to ride. A leisurely morning waiting for the official opening time: 6:00 am. Coming in on the high tide heavily loaded...
  6. Alasgun

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    Ive see some interesting stuff in the “flotilla” each year but i have never seen a Pacboat! All the dip net fisheries tend to be ruff and tumble events which at times have left me tight against some power boat or so tight between other canoe’s or kayaks that you cant get your net in or out of...
  7. Alasgun

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    Im comfortable in the 38 1/2 inch wide old town and no id not be interested in an outrigger. Are you considering buying a canoe or do you already own one? If not, go with a raft, lots of them on the water! Plenty of folks lash two canoes together, even saw 3 lashed last year. Out riggers come in...
  8. Alasgun

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    Another up-grade to this dipping operation is how i haul the boat. As mentioned previously, i haul it upright in the pickup over an open tail gate, fully loaded. This is due to tue chaos at the put-in. Everything’s in the boat when i pull up and i simply drag the canoe out of the truck and...
  9. Alasgun

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    Now that we’ve “transitioned” from nice to not; it’s a no brainer as to where my time gets spent. Those components on the mill table are my effort to turn a pair of thwarts into a skookum fish management system. A heavy weave net will sew into this frame work and give us a place to “dump em”...
  10. Alasgun

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    Thanks Glenn, typically it’s pre-loaded for ease of launching but i can change a number of things that will help. I didn’t stay away on purpose; last year i went thru a period where “the system” did not recognize me, requiring me to log in every time then it kicked into “i don’t even know who...
  11. Alasgun

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    After a couple seasons my thoughts have “matured” and numerous up-grades have and are taking place to give us the ability to “kill more fish faster”. This canoe is hauled, hanging over the open tailgate and developed some oil-can right at the edge of the gate! Now that winter’s here im enjoying...
  12. Alasgun

    Box store Cedar paddle

    It is and like you; im all about easy. I tell people, “im the laziest person you know” which isn’t entirely true? Over the years my projects have gone many directions and most take a stroll thru either the Lathe or Mill. I forget which famous Indian said “when the buffalo are gone we will hunt...
  13. Alasgun

    Box store Cedar paddle

    I make all manner of things @Glenn MacGrady, as a hobby. Along with this paddle i’ve got 4 carbon fiber fly rod tubes being worked with the paddle. For me it’s just busy work and i don’t care for making multiples of anything. Rod tubes are fine due to the simplicity. This has been a “good...
  14. Alasgun

    Box store Cedar paddle

    Today i waisted some wood and still have some to go. The pattern weighs 16oz, I think this one will finish around 18oz. I’m still happy.
  15. Alasgun

    Box store Cedar paddle

    Nothing special here; im experimenting and will show you what i learn. After rooting thru the Cedar at H. Depot i bought a couple clean 1x6’s which had good faces (on one side). Epoxy was applied to both faces and a single piece of lite glass tape was laid down between them before combining the...
  16. Alasgun

    Stay safe in this big storm ...

    I like to tell people “this place is like Miami compared to where i moved from” This graph confirms that! All that green stuff in western N.Dakota was home for roughly 15 years. It also agree’s with one of Custers officers who upon seeing the badlands for the first time commented; “it looks like...
  17. Alasgun

    Stay safe in this big storm ...

    This is where i use my “sure sorry so many of you live in such hostile environment’s”; line on you!😏
  18. Alasgun

    Stay safe in this big storm ...

    With the Tonga eruption, were flooded with numerous articles telling us what happened, a few of those told us “what’s going to happen”. Several of those talk about multi year disruption’s in “normal” And it sounded somewhat vague as to how long this disruption would last but any where from 2-15...
  19. Alasgun

    Unfulfilled Tripping Dreams?

    Turning 73 in a Month, this thread has been interesting to me. About an equal mix of high hopes and woe is me’s discussed. Most of you have many years in canoes so i can understand your reluctance to give up something so familiar and enjoyable to you. For me; there were canoes off and on at...
  20. Alasgun

    Upper Missouri River Guides: Montana Canoeing

    I’ve always “backed off from Rattlesnakes” too; just far enough that the blast from a 12 ga didn't result in me getting any of it on me!