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Search results

  1. MrPoling

    Art along the river

    Heart-shaped graffiti under a bridge over the Eno River. Odd location because it really isn't visible from anywhere. Also odd because it was masked rather than free handed. Normally graffiti is just crass, but this seems to work.
  2. MrPoling

    Art along the river

    I saw this odd animal along the river today. I felt compelled to look around for its friends before eddying out for a picture.
  3. MrPoling

    Odd, funny, scary or beautiful things seen on a portage

    Old mill on the portage around a dam on the Haw River. I think it's old odd and beautiful. My daughter thought it was a little scary. There are bottles in the windows. My hunch is whoever prepared the portage wanted to make sure you couldn't climb through the windows.
  4. MrPoling

    Royalex MR Explorer Cold Cracks - Advice & Repair

    I think my Dagger Reflection has osteoporosis.
  5. MrPoling

    Thoughts on small tandems for solo use / Brand Preference

    The tough part for me would be deciding between sizes. The Eaglet looks like a great solo for occasional use with a kid, big dog, or smaller adults. I've not paddled one, but it seems small for a good tandem. It might seem small and tippy for camping or fishing with two people. The Malecite...
  6. MrPoling

    Photo of the day

    Boring little lake, but pretty and close by. It you zoom in there's a beaver (just his head and wake) and a mama duck with ducklings.
  7. MrPoling

    Cold Hauling

    I'd ask the manufacturer. Safe travels!
  8. MrPoling

    How many pairs of footwear: in canoe vs. on portage vs. in camp?

    For in the canoe, most often an old pair of medium grade trail runners without shanks. Socks as appropriate for the season. Sometimes in really tame places I'll do just Teva-style sandals in the summer. But I've found the Teva's are not as good for kneeling as running shoes. I've also had a...
  9. MrPoling

    Now I’m in Deep

    A few months ago there were two guys loading up their SOT in the parking lot. The launch is probably 40 yards. I shouldered my Yellowstone and one says, "you need a cart like this!" My first three thoughts were: "Nah, I'll be fine, this thing is 28 lb" - dismissed as too arrogant, and perhaps...
  10. MrPoling

    Stay safe in this big storm ...

    It rained exceptionally hard here. It might have been the hardest rain I've ever seen. Almost scary, but thankfully it stopped quickly. The creeks and river flooded. Y'all use good judgement and stay safe.
  11. MrPoling

    Royalex MR Explorer Cold Cracks - Advice & Repair

    Yeah, looks like an extra 6 hours. Still, I'd take that over an $800 explorer with cold cracks.
  12. MrPoling

    Royalex MR Explorer Cold Cracks - Advice & Repair

    L This is like a a busted up car at the auction. If you're a good mechanic and you know what you're getting into it can work out. It looks like that explorer was in Alexandria Virginia, Norfolk is only another hour and a half down the road. 3 hours extra round trip. That's barely enough...
  13. MrPoling

    Royalex MR Explorer Cold Cracks - Advice & Repair

    Hey Jmharrick, I'm going to offer some respectful, somewhat contrary opinions. I have an Explorer, and I also have an old town Appalachian. For white water and bony creeks something like an Appalachian or an Esquif Canyon, even a Prospector will be way better than the Explorer. The Explorer...
  14. MrPoling

    Photo of the day

    Eno River, NC, earlier this week.
  15. MrPoling

    Android Night Pictures

    That's a good shot. My Google Pixel has two modes. It's pretty impressive with just the flash turned off. There's an additional night mode that's more aggressive. Night mode only works on stills. Most phones also have aggressive filter that can do a lot of the same brightness adjustment on...
  16. MrPoling

    Carbon Fiber/Aramid Layup - Why?

    Hey Black_Fly Yes. I have a blackgold Yellowstone solo. It is very stiff and paddles wonderfully. I paddle it almost weekly in a small river with logs and occasional rocks. It's strong enough to survive striking logs at full speed. I've wondered this myself. I like my blackgold...
  17. MrPoling

    One canoe to rule them all?

    I have an old fiberglass Explorer. It isn't exciting or cool but if I could only have one canoe it would be fine. It is narrow enough to solo, big enough for two, short enough to be manageable in tight places, stiff enough to paddle well, and tough enough to take on rivers. Bonus it is old...
  18. MrPoling

    NOAA River Level Prediction Tool

    Follow up, the river crested when predicted by this tool. 3 days out the tool predicted the river would crest just under flood stage, it ended up cresting a little over flood stage. The important thing was it allowed me to understand 3 days out that the trip wasn't going to happen. I...
  19. MrPoling

    NOAA River Level Prediction Tool

    https://water.weather.gov/ahps2/forecasts.php?wfo=rah This is a river level prediction tool from NOAA. Iwas impressed because, for the river I was watching, it forecast way more water than I was guessing. It appears to be right so far, and I’ll keep an eye on it over the next few days. It...
  20. MrPoling

    AI and on-line posers

    Yes. I'd guess this is the main motivation. I'll point out that this could be done for marketing or for other purposes, like religious or political propaganda. Those are more effective if coming from an established form member. If for no other reason than they'll get taken down slower...