Welcome Jan, we really like visiting the UP. This is a great place to discuss and learn about canoeing. I personally have a Northstar Trillium pack canoe in Blacklite with E6 trim.
The straps don’t wrap through the windows, you open the doors run the straps over the door jams, connect the straps, tighten them and close the doors. Door gaskets should prevent leaks.
“This has however spoiled my excitement for this boat and the brand. I basically had no budget on this it came down to Northstar, Swift, and Souris. With the intention of purchasing the B17 this year and a B19 next year for family trips when the kids are bigger. Perhaps I will look elsewhere”
Unfortunately cats aren’t an option for us. We don’t have a mouse/rat problem, once in a great while one will stray into the garage and they usually die there also. I wouldn’t want a neighbor domestic pet to come in contact with a poisoned critter.
Glenn, I find the mail order prices aren’t worth the little difference in price. We travel in our camper, sometimes all the way to the left coast and like the option of going to Walmart, Rite Aid, etc. if we need prescriptions.
We are currently using Medicare Advantage Choice by United Healthcare and the drug prices aren’t too bad, but what I found was the pharmacy chain you use make a BIG difference in costs. You also need to shop prices between the drug chains on the different medications, and when you get in or out...