• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

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  1. Canotrouge

    Svea 123

    Well here in the Yukon and in Quebec where I’m from, white gaz and naphta is the same thing!
  2. Canotrouge

    Photo of the day

    Just found that one. From our last moose no moose trip...
  3. Canotrouge

    The long paddle!!

    So measured the blade and it is 810mm so around 32”
  4. Canotrouge

    The long paddle!!

    The blade on mine is something like 34”... I’ll have to look again and confirm that
  5. Canotrouge

    The long paddle!!

    Yeah I was in the shop tonight just doing a bit more work on it and 75” is definitely on the short side of things... unless I have a loaded canoe! I think 80” would be perfect but I didn’t have that kind of wood in the scrap bin... time will tell!!
  6. Canotrouge

    The long paddle!!

    I’m the same I calculated the overall length in a super scientific way, so I don’t know if you will be an le to achieve the same, cause you know I’m kind of a special smart..... so what i did, and you need to be really care full and listen real well here, I stood up, and then I took a measuring...
  7. Canotrouge

    The long paddle!!

    I started working in a long paddle for when I paddle standing, I didn’t want to buy a SUP paddle because I’m not a fan of bent shaft paddles( yes I own some and yes I’ve used them extensively in the past, just not my style of paddling anymore). So for many years I was thinking of making one for...
  8. Canotrouge

    Don’t tape your paddles

    When we travel we put our paddle in a light ski bag, or we use Voilé straps to keep them together... voilé strap as are a great piece of kit to have and are useful for a lot of different applications!! As for the tape, if tape as to be use, electrical tape is the tape to use, it won’t bandage...
  9. Canotrouge

    Canoetripping community, I could use your help.

    Well I found a good looking and great condition Atkinson traveller 17.5’ WC canoe in Seattle for a great price assuming it is in the condition the seller claim it is... but no way to get it really!!
  10. Canotrouge

    Photo of the day

    Well it think I might be done for this year regarding moose! Temps in the -15c every night and not climbing above freezing during the day makes for limited water travel, lakes even big ones have started to show 100+yards of shore ice, and there is even a group of hunters got helivac because they...
  11. Canotrouge

    Photo of the day

    Spending time on the water with my wife and daughter looking for moose is one of my best time spent on the water!!
  12. Canotrouge

    Nuway stove experiment in a snowtrekker

    Or he went all out and started cooking fine tourtières... spam tourtières.....
  13. Canotrouge

    Fire pans.

    One that is really popular up here is the lid of a metal trash can, about 20” across nice rim around it, light weight! Make sure you don’t sit to close on the first burn since they are galvanized!!
  14. Canotrouge

    Canoetripping community, I could use your help.

    If you use any trucking company, even if it is for a really short drive, make sure it is protected properly, wc are not light and small, so lots of things can happen.... I’ve seen canoes Lansing here that were destroyed!! Better be safe than sorry!!
  15. Canotrouge

    Four days, 140km of river, 1000km of driving and no moose!!

    Wow Doug that must have been exciting!! I’m trying to go again next week for a few days... but we got snow this morning so that is kind of slowing my willingness lol...
  16. Canotrouge

    Svea 123

    I believe the 123 is still made today, so I’m assuming parts are available. https://www.canadianoutdoorequipment.com/optimus-svea-stove.html
  17. Canotrouge

    Unique paddle

    It is on my to do list for this winter, a super long paddle I can use standing up and a shorter one for higher stroke rate in windy conditions!!
  18. Canotrouge

    DNR/CO Encounters

    We get stoped often by CO’s, when we come back from our usual hunting area we usually stop in a small community and go to the First Nation store/gas station and offer the moose head to the first taker, it takes all but ten minutes and we have some one that is interested for there grand ma or...
  19. Canotrouge

    Four days, 140km of river, 1000km of driving and no moose!!

    Thank you Doug!! Ha bow hunting, I gave up a long time ago... still have 3 trad bows. One longbow, one reflex deflex custome made for me at 72lbs at my draw length, and one black widow recurve!! I think I got tired of arrow selection and all the rest.... and plus i find it a lot more limiting...
  20. Canotrouge

    Camping in the Old Style by David Wescott

    Great thread you started Robin, as usual :)!! interesting things for me is I’m pretty young at 49 but spent a lot of time in the bush over that short period so far, either for fun or for work or a mixed of both! And I went through all the phases of modern light gear to heavier trad gear, and...