• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. Canotrouge

    Paddle shaft repair

    I would sand smooth and really varnish with spar varnish, maybe 3-5 coats!
  2. Canotrouge

    Paddle shaft repair

    Hard to say for sure w/o seeing it in person, but look like mostly finish damage, I would sand and refinish!!
  3. Canotrouge

    Lower Stikine River Topo Maps for Sale - Sold.

    Really nice trip!! I would love to do it again!! Good luck with the maps!
  4. Canotrouge

    Brutal Five Days of Hacking

    Got scared!! Happy all is good to go!! Thank you for the great work!!
  5. Canotrouge

    Rethinking Firearms

    That Henry look great!! I will have to look it up!! A friend of mine just got a Haenel in 308 and man that is a sweet gun and only 4.75lbs!!
  6. Canotrouge

    Rethinking Firearms

    Well I’ve been up in the Yukon for a bit over 23 years now and spent lots of time in the bush, actually our house is on the green belt and that green belt is maybe well over 1million square km I could start walking straight out from my back yard and not see anything for hundreds if not thousands...
  7. Canotrouge

    Rethinking Firearms

    Back paw print in front paw print.
  8. Canotrouge

    Rethinking Firearms

    Some of you know that I lost a friend and her daughter last year to a grizzly bear, guns no guns, bear spray or not and all the bangers in the world would have made no difference. But that was one in a million incident! I don’t think a handgun other than a 500S&W or similar would do too much on...
  9. Canotrouge

    Article: Wood-canvas canoes are tougher than you think

    Same here... no chance I could end up with a even 2-3 of them up here ?
  10. Canotrouge

    Rethinking Firearms

    I only carry in the hunting season so August first to October 31, just in case I see meet for the freezer! Other than that bear spray is my friend! We can’t carry hand guns in Canada(and I’m ok with that) and a shot guns is big and heavy and never as ready as my bear spray is!!
  11. Canotrouge

    Interesting paddle

    Maybe @Murat will see this and chime in!!
  12. Canotrouge

    New tent!

    I’ve owned lots of Filson and I really don’t think it is as good as it use to be. And the service is far from being what it use to be also!!
  13. Canotrouge

    New tent!

    Mine is from CRCO but an older model so not made of the newer fancier Swiss fabric, it is a fantastic tent for sure!! one day I will have a wood canvas canoe too!! Just waiting to find the right ay the right price!!
  14. Canotrouge

    New tent!

    Nothing like sleeping in a canvas tent!! I found a used campfire/baker tent a few years back and it is my favorite tent! But a bit heavy and bulky for some trips!
  15. Canotrouge

    Peterborough Litelift

    Well guys, I wish I was your wife....
  16. Canotrouge

    Best Harness for Blue Barrels ?

    Like I said I hate them but still use them until I find something better... as for the wanigan comparison(if I understood right) I would say that it is the furthest to a wanigan, a wanigan is the easiest thing to organize and find things in, wanigan are the right hight to sit on and are...
  17. Canotrouge

    Wood and canvas paddlers ...

    I would love to find a good one and you can be sure I would trip and hunt with it! But up here they are impossible to find. I think a 16’ prospector or something similar(somewhat deep) would be my first choice even for soloing it!! Maybe one day!!
  18. Canotrouge

    Composite gurus

    So I think I will try this, full carbon layer on the front/face/power face of the blade topped with a full layer of S-glass and 2 full layers of S-glass on the back, my paddle blades are not symmetric front to back but they are side to side... see picture! The blade is not super thin, but thin...