My 9yo would be more excited about a blocky paddle in Minecraft. He’d probably go whack sheep with it.
(video game characterized by pixelated stages, objects, animals, and people as a throwback to those gen 1 poor res games)
Isn’t this just insane? This is why I like an AC that I set to the color I want (red or blue or mixed) and how hard I want the fan to blow. There’s no reason for the car to know what the temp is, inside or out, nor what temp I want the inside of the car to become. I’ll back the controls down...
Only under extreme and limited circumstances, such as visiting Alaska or Hawaii. If I can make the drive in 2 days, then no. At three days I may consider it. For me the journey is almost always as important as the destination, why miss out on all the great places the urbanites refer to as...
Canoe straps last a rather long time as compared to the 2” heavy duty straps we use to secure drill rods and other gear on our trailers and flatbeds. These live in the weather. When I see the signs of deterioration I cut the ratchet off the strap and send the guys to the store.
I like to center the wide belly of the boat between the bars such that it can’t slide in either direction through the straps. On my pickup this only left ~3’ sticking out to the rear. Not sure how this will work on my 4Runner, but I expect it to be further back based on where the cross bars are...
300+ CDs
Don’t own a computer and don’t want to
Don’t want to give toyota the contents of my phone
Don’t want to talk on the phone via the car (or much at all really)
Certainly don’t want to text while driving. Whatever it is it can wait.
My Garmin is superior to any of the onboard nav or Apple...
I always liked a push to start button, but the kind where you insert a key, turn to “on”, then push the starter button next to it. I don’t really love the fob either. I’m still uneasy with this locking method as I never feel really sure I locked it. I do however love that with the fob in pocket...
I’d have gladly traded all the new safety junk on the 2023 4Runner for a CD player. I generally set all the electronic gizmos to off, where they let you, and I’m not above pulling fuses and unplugging antennae so my vehicle can’t communicate with “base”. If carrying a canoe causes some system I...
The strap with buckle in front of the seat is a portage strap. Rest on your shoulders to carry the boat, unclip and roll the strap when paddling. There may or may not be Velcro or some other tie for the purpose.
I normally take 2 when solo or 4 in my 3-seat Polaris with two kids. My extra is and isn’t a spare, as I don’t really have duplicates. If I’m in my Prism where I’m more likely to sit and switch, I’ll take a bent shaft and the Bruce Smith ottertail. If in my Phoenix or Polaris, the Bruce Smith...
I have 2 dedicated solos, a mid-90s kevlar Wenonah Prism and a Northstar Phoenix in IXP layup. Very different boats, both fantastic, both will remind you to keep your head between the gunwales! However, my most often used at this point is a Northstar Polaris that I paddle from a center seat with...