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  1. Steve in Idaho

    Who’s still paddling a Royalex solo boat

    A bit wide, but looks pretty good!
  2. Steve in Idaho

    'new' Bell Morningstar

    Edit: I wrote "shallow arch" but meant to say shallow vee. And width BTW is 28".
  3. Steve in Idaho

    The New Swift/DY Redesign of the Dragonfly

    There it is. That's what I wanted to know. I can tolerate or even ignore the difference in a used canoe, but if I ever scratch together the funds to buy new, I'm going to have to look seriously at that Dragonfly 15.
  4. Steve in Idaho

    Canoe Art: Paintings, Sketches, Sculpture, Architecture

    My picture of a picture could maybe be clearer. When I get home, I'll have to get out a magnifying glass and see if I can make out the logo.
  5. Steve in Idaho

    The New Swift/DY Redesign of the Dragonfly

    I agree. But look at the new Ford Mustang or Maverick. Honda Odyssey started out as an off-road go-cart. I guess when you own a name, you can use it for anything.
  6. Steve in Idaho

    Who’s still paddling a Royalex solo boat

    I'd still be paddling my Guide if the weight hadn't become an issue. It's definitely a robust hull, and I always loved how it handled. A very competent river canoe. The only royalex canoes I have left are my whitewater solo - the Esquif Vertige - and the Mohawk Solo 14. The Vertige is heavy -...
  7. Steve in Idaho

    'new' Bell Morningstar

    Chesapeake is a 12' what most people call recreational kayak. It's a shallow arch hull with soft chines. Extremely Swede form. Very large cockpit (hence, my argument for "decked canoe"). Weighs something under 40 lbs (I forget what, exactly). I read somewhere that it was Wilderness Systems's...
  8. Steve in Idaho

    Peeing in one’s canoeing shorts

    The local lake is the centerpiece of a large wildlife preserve. Its primary reason for existence (the preserve - not the lake) is to benefit migratory waterfowl. By some coincidence, waterfowl is a perfect term- because in the massive numbers that spend their time there, they most definitely...
  9. Steve in Idaho

    La Voga Veneta

    Thanks for that fascinating report! I've thought for a long time that if I ever make it to Venice, I'll do whatever I it takes to get a chance to try my hand at rowing a gondola. Man.....what a perfect job!
  10. Steve in Idaho

    RockSTAR or SRT?

    You're making me think I was lucky to find a Wildfire first.
  11. Steve in Idaho

    'new' Bell Morningstar

    There's the previously mentioned Coho, the Mohawk Solo 14, my stunning '98 vintage kevlar eggplant Malecite with 3 contoured seats and slotted ash rails - and if I may....my wife's kev/glass Wilderness Chesapeake, which I consider a decked canoe. Talk about unicorns... I've been on strict orders...
  12. Steve in Idaho

    The New Swift/DY Redesign of the Dragonfly

    After watching the video in the other thread, I'd have to say it's unlikely that I would consider it a likely candidate for poling (not that poling ability is a high priority for my solo canoes). I'm sure I'd like it a lot.
  13. Steve in Idaho

    'new' Bell Morningstar

    I think I like the idea of the royalex Morningstar as a dedicated poling canoe for up to technical class 2+. 55 lbs in standard dress, from what I read. Pulling those seats and dropping that by 3-4 lbs makes an attractive hull, IMO. That one's on my BOLO list.
  14. Steve in Idaho

    'new' Bell Morningstar

    Oh wow. I have another unicorn. Or is that - dinosaur? Looking at my fleet, I have now four great boats no longer made by anyone.
  15. Steve in Idaho

    The New Swift/DY Redesign of the Dragonfly

    Hard to say with this Dragonfly. Definitely no with the original. This one looks possible on paper, but if the bottom is as round as I've seen Dragonfly 1 described, probably not. I can pole my Solitude on pretty calm water, and other than the rocker, it's similar on paper. The solitude's bottom...
  16. Steve in Idaho

    The New Swift/DY Redesign of the Dragonfly

    Looks interesting. Didn't watch the video yet, but specs make me think it will be a great boat for big river trips. I like the length and added buoyancy. I would wish for a little less depth in the stems though. Intended use is probably not where I am likely to be going though.
  17. Steve in Idaho

    River and Lake Canoe Discussion and Input

    I was just thinking about this canoe you suggested, and had to take a look. I like Clipper's layups and pricing but I've overlooked this one. It does look very good for a large solo paddler with a load. What's intriguing to me is that I think I (not being large) would really like to pole it...
  18. Steve in Idaho

    Kayak vs Canoe - Your Personal Pros and Cons

    Great. Now I have to watch Never Ending Story again... :unsure:
  19. Steve in Idaho


    That's the first I've heard of that. How thick is it? Does it conform easily with the curves?
  20. Steve in Idaho

    An Alternative, Alternative Fuel

    It can be fussy if you don't have the startup routine down. While on the subject, I'll mention that mine is old - I bought it back in the early eighties (maybe late seventies?). When the pump started to fail a few years ago, MSR had me send the whole stove in for a rebuild and upgraded...