• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. Benson Gray

    2023 Fund Drive Now On

    This can be a challenge. I help manage a forum for the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association which includes a service to provide the build records for old canoes. Each one includes a request to "donate, join or renew your membership" but not everyone does. Benson
  2. Benson Gray

    Some Chestnut Canoe History: Playing with Patent Law

    The most popular uses of these names came well after Chestnut had closed in 1979. Roger MacGregor tried to manage the trademarks for a variety of venerable Canadian canoe companies with limited success. My understanding is that Canadian trademark law limits the protection to an active business...
  3. Benson Gray

    Some Chestnut Canoe History: Playing with Patent Law

    It appears that Chestnut was not very successful in intimidating any of their major competitors since they all continued to sell canoes like this for many years. The end of this patent dispute came in 1923 when Chestnut joined Canadian Watercraft Limited with Peterborough and the other major...
  4. Benson Gray

    Last Surviving W/C Canoe from "Deliverance" is Discovered

    See the link below for more about these canoes and copies of their build records. Benson https://forums.wcha.org/threads/deliverance-canoe.12713/
  5. Benson Gray

    Any idea what kind of canoe this is?

    Welcome and congratulations, this canoe looks like a modern 'strip built' example. Most of these are home made. It will have a hull identification number (HIN) on the starboard stern if it was built within the last forty years. The link at https://www.usps.org/national/safety/HIN/HIN.pdf can...
  6. Benson Gray

    We're in a jam! We need white oak.

    The links below have several canoe restorers and local chapters in that area who might be able to help. They may not have white oak but can probably supply white cedar rib stock that will bend well. Good luck, Benson https://www.woodencanoe.org/builders-suppliers...
  7. Benson Gray

    A century old birch bark canoe returns home.

    It is surprising how many of the oldest bark canoes look very similar to some of the modern ones. The link below has more information about several of the earliest known bark canoes. Benson https://forums.wcha.org/threads/birchbark-canoes-and-carbon-14-dating.18630/
  8. Benson Gray

    Canoe Trailer Hauling

    Welcome, the Malone LowMax trailer is described at https://maloneautoracks.com/XtraLight-LowMax.html as being 11 feet, three inches long overall. This should be fine with a single 18 foot long canoe that is centered over the tongue. Some experimentation is always a good plan as Glenn...
  9. Benson Gray

    Curiosity and a Derelict Canoe

    Canoes seem to be popular with decorators and often get placed in any area with a high ceiling, even if there is no connection to paddling. Benson
  10. Benson Gray

    Curiosity and a Derelict Canoe

    Yes, these canoes are built with a small outside gunwale and no inside gunwale as shown below. The block provides the necessary structural support between the thwart and the thin hull. It also lowers the thwart slightly which improves the comfort and stability for the paddler. There are other...
  11. Benson Gray

    Curiosity and a Derelict Canoe

    You may also find a model number on the thwart block if it is a Lakefield or on the thwart if it is an English as shown below. Benson
  12. Benson Gray

    Curiosity and a Derelict Canoe

    It looks Canadian and those oars don't go with it. Peterborough, Lakefield, English, and many others made canoes like this. There may be tags on the outside of the hull at the ends of the thwarts. The link below has some examples. Benson https://woodencanoemuseum.org/decals
  13. Benson Gray

    WTB: Angler seat kit for Old Town Pack

    There are a number of seat options at https://oldtownwatercraft.johnsonoutdoors.com/us/shop/accessories-parts/seats that might work for you. Benson
  14. Benson Gray

    Old Town Pack value?

    Mine is from 2012 and has them. The decks are the usual style. Benson
  15. Benson Gray

    The Lowly Whistle: Critical Gear

    The listing below is another option for a similar price, Benson https://www.woodencanoe.org/product-page/whistle-for-life
  16. Benson Gray

    Old Town Pack value?

    I suspect that he was searching the Facebook Marketplace as shown below. He was more successful in limiting the search to just pack canoes. There is a similar search available for successful eBay auctions but fewer pack canoes have shown up there recently. Benson
  17. Benson Gray

    Old Town Pack value?

    Royalex may not be available any more but the information at the first link below indicates that T-Formex is very close. The second link confirms that the Esquif Adirondack model has a list price of $1399 and is similar to the Old Town Pack model. A $700 Pack in good condition seems great when...
  18. Benson Gray

    Old Town Pack value?

    That seems reasonable to me. The ABS/Royalex canoes have been selling for top dollar recently and the Pack model has been especially strong. Asking prices of $1000 or more are not unusual. Good luck, Benson
  19. Benson Gray

    Dave Curtis Announces Desire to Retire and Sell Hemlock Canoe Business

    The history of many similar small canoe shops is not encouraging. Bart Hauthaway, Bill Miller, Burt Libby, and many others couldn't find anyone to carry on. The Fiddlehead Canoe shop was listed for sale many years ago as shown at https://www.woodencanoe.org/classifieds/business-for-sale...
  20. Benson Gray

    Anything I shouldn't miss in Orono, Maine?

    The Old Town and Penobscot museums have some interesting canoes. Both will probably require that you make an appointment to see them since they don't seem to have regular hours. The Hudson museum at the University of Maine can also be good but I haven't been there in a long time. The links...