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  1. Benson Gray

    Canoe ident- need help this is located in quebec there are no markings odd floor pattern any thoughts? Only pics i could get…

    I agree, the air gaps would clearly not improve the effectiveness of the glues. The catalog pages below are from several major molded canoe manufacturers and none of them display a basketweave pattern. Benson
  2. Benson Gray

    Writer Looking for Canoe Info/Stories

    The best alternative in this situation is if the swimmer has mastered the Capistrano Flip. I have managed to perform this with a light canoe many years ago when I was young, strong, and not injured. The basic concept is to tread water while rolling the canoe over your head and then throwing it...
  3. Benson Gray

    An interview with Garrett Conover, woodsman, author, wilderness canoeist guide.

    Absolutely, most modern canoes use much lighter canvas than was common in the past. Jerry's web page and the White catalog don't specify the canvas weight but the Old Town catalog at https://www.wcha.org/catalogs/old-town/specific.gif confirms that 'the "Guide's Special Canoe" (page 18) has No...
  4. Benson Gray

    Writer Looking for Canoe Info/Stories

    You may enjoy "The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America" book by Edwin Tappan Adney and Howard Irving Chapelle. This is available from the link below and other sources. The unusual shape of the Beothuk canoes may also interest you as shown below. This design made it easier to bring...
  5. Benson Gray

    Canoe ident- need help this is located in quebec there are no markings odd floor pattern any thoughts? Only pics i could get…

    My guess is that this was someone's experiment with building an alternative skin-on-frame style canoe. It does not look like any manufactured canoe that I have ever seen before. More pictures and details will help as others have mentioned. Benson
  6. Benson Gray

    Writer Looking for Canoe Info/Stories

    There are birch trees across most of Canada and many northern parts of the United States. The first link below has a map and more details. Dugout canoes were typically used on the ocean and other areas where portages weren't common. However, the sturgeon nosed or Kootenay style bark canoes...
  7. Benson Gray

    Old Town Columbia - Have you paddled one?

    This model was introduced in 1984 and the 1987 catalog page is shown below. Good luck, Benson
  8. Benson Gray

    What is your least favorite portage?

    I'm surprised that no one has mentioned the Mud Pond Carry in Maine between Umbazooksus Lake and Mud Pond. Thoreau didn't think much of it during his trip across on Monday, July 27th, 1857. He got lost as described at the first link below. The map at the second link may help if you are not...
  9. Benson Gray

    Any free webmastery out there?

    Yes, managing a web site has gotten a lot more complicated over the past few decades and migrating from one platform to another can be a real pain. The good news is that the Internet Archive's WayBack Machine has been periodically saving copies of your site since 2000 as shown in the first link...
  10. Benson Gray

    Canoe Art: Paintings, Sketches, Sculpture, Architecture

    This peak and lake were also featured on the Old Town catalog cover in 1975. Benson
  11. Benson Gray

    Tappan Adney's Birchbark Models

    There appear to be a broad variety of spellings for this term, which is not unusual in translations. I got started down this rabbit hole by footnote 12 at https://wcha.org/catalogs/penobscot/ which says "Speck, op. cit., p. 61, found that these pieces were called, figuratively, 'diaper' or...
  12. Benson Gray

    Tappan Adney's Birchbark Models

    The Penobscot dictionary at https://penobscot-dictionary.appspot.com/entry/5046458797522944/ offers several different spellings but no pronounciation information. Benson
  13. Benson Gray

    Tappan Adney's Birchbark Models

    I have always liked the Malecite canoes and designs. The example above is also shown at https://www.gutenberg.org/files/50828/50828-h/images/i099.jpg in figure 75 on page 83 of The Bark Canoes and Skin Boats of North America. The information at https://wcha.org/catalogs/penobscot/ has more...
  14. Benson Gray

    Olympics Canoe or Kayak

    Historically, the International Canoe Federation rules specified that a canoe was higher at the ends than the middle, the paddler would kneel, and used a single bladed paddle. Kayaks were lower at the ends than the middle, the paddler sat, and used a double bladed paddle. Most of this went...
  15. Benson Gray

    Old Town Acadia 15 in Royalex

    These were listed in the Old Town catalogs from 1983 to 1987. The description below is from the 1984 catalog. Benson
  16. Benson Gray

    My local paddle with pix and critters

    This image was on the back cover of the Old Town Canoe company catalogs from 1960 to 1962 with 'Murray Spear - 17 foot Otca (page 3) Shooting Lovers Leap"' as the caption. The Old Town files have a few more images from that day including one showing him downstream after the successful descent...
  17. Benson Gray

    Identifying a Great Canadian Canoe

    I believe that Great Canadian was founded in 1969 and hull identification numbers were not required until 1972. This may be a canoe from their early years. Benson
  18. Benson Gray

    Identifying a Great Canadian Canoe

    The first image below shows where the hull identification number is below the outside rail on the right side above the round logo at the back. The second image lists some beam widths from a 1983 catalog at https://www.ebay.com/itm/255503715729 on eBay. Benson
  19. Benson Gray

    Identifying a Great Canadian Canoe

    A hull identification number should not be under tape, unless someone wanted to hide the number at some point in the past. The images below show two versions of hull identification tags from Great Canadian canoes in 1979 and 1985. Benson
  20. Benson Gray

    Identifying a Great Canadian Canoe

    It should have a hull identification number on the starboard stern. The information at https://www.usps.org/national/safety/HIN/HIN.pdf can help you interpret it. Benson