• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. yknpdlr

    Dutch Oven Recipes

    The Adirondack BSA camp I often helped at featured one night each week as "Iron Chef competition meal night". Every troop was given a milk crate of the same food ingredients to prepare in Dutch ovens, including one special "secret ingredient" to be featured. Each troop came up with their own...
  2. yknpdlr

    Just found this out of the way place to paddle

    Yeah, i'll take thick clouds of black flies in the air any day instead of thick underwater clouds of gators.
  3. yknpdlr

    Which Subaru?

    I am on my 6th Subaru, since our first 2004 Outback, all have been Foresters ever since. When it came time to replace to the outback, or to add another, my wife did not like the low seating position of the newer Outbacks. She though she felt like a little old lady peering over the steering...
  4. yknpdlr

    2024 subaru outback stock crossbars

    Does the Outback come with stock crossbars, much like in previous year models? I just bought a 2024 Forester Wilderness, and my wife got a Forester Limited model. Surprisingly, neither came with crossbars, But I was able to dismount the crossbars from my 2016 Forester and also from my wife's...
  5. yknpdlr

    Videos demonstrating many of the freestyle reverse moves

    Well developed advanced stroke techniques are timeless. But good grief, that was a much younger svelte Charlie than the still healthy Charlie who I know today.
  6. yknpdlr

    Anyone else cook with a Big Daddy skillet?

    That's an old BSA scoutmaster trick. it does work well, unless you severely overheat the pot/pan. Although there may be a heat transfer advantage to cooking with having a black cooking exterior.The disadvantage is the black soot will rub off on whatever you store the cookware in or on.
  7. yknpdlr

    The most picturesque places you've paddled

    1.Turtle Mtn on the Yukon River at the entrance of Lake Laberge. The near shore landscape for the next 35 miles of lake paddling before becoming river again looks similar to this, and it just calls out as if to say “hike me”. We later did hike on some of it near Whitehorse. 2. Calico Bluff on...
  8. yknpdlr

    Where Are All The Canoes?

    Years ago I thought it might be smart to belong to the American Canoe Association. When I received the publication, it was nothing but kayak oriented, packed with both articles with exciting photos and extensive ads, especially geared toward crazy young 20-something whitewater enthusiasts...
  9. yknpdlr

    Where Are All The Canoes?

    It isn't necessarily any harder, but there definitely is a farily steep learning curve. It takes no prior experience to paddle a kayak with a double blade powering side to side. For success in a canoe, it helps a lot to find someone with paddle stroke experienced knowledge to assist newbys in...
  10. yknpdlr

    Canoe paddle collectors

    i found this unique ball grip paddle on an voyageur style blade at an antique store. Someone told me that it was used as the "sneak" paddle, used by the back seater client, called the "sport", in an Adirondack guide boat.
  11. yknpdlr

    Anyone else cook with a Big Daddy skillet?

    For 30 years I hve been an instructor for a BSA high adventure trek leader guide training program in the Adirondacks. Our graduation ceremony breakfast for up to 30 students and staff gathering at the end of the training week features me cooking my bannock recipe in the giant pan, along with...
  12. yknpdlr

    Comfort question

    I agree that a reverse tilt would be uncomfortable and an awkward position to paddle from. Plus it would soon provide pain to the legs under the knees. It might also be bad for the back, so for me, straight upright might be better. Most of my canoes have a slight forward dop tilt to the front of...
  13. yknpdlr

    What is your most DISLIKED tree and why?

    If we extend to semi-woody shrubs, then, especially in the Catskill Mountains of NY, it is the multiflora rose that takes the top pick. Whenever I am called out for as SAR incident, if it is anywhere south of the NY Thruway (US90), I have to think twice about what to wear and if I want to go at...
  14. yknpdlr

    Any upper extremity amputees here?

    mostly with his good arm, but somewhat tucked under his other armpit. He could use the paddle on both sides when he needed to. One of those you have to see it to belive it. In no way a racer but he could control the boat and get to where he needed to go.
  15. yknpdlr

    Any upper extremity amputees here?

    i know of a guy who lost his right arm just above the elbow in an accident when he was young. For many years he was the waterfront director at a BSA camp in the Adiorndacks. Every week he did the mile swim and taught sailing and canoeing. He could sail a Hobie like no one else, solo. He could...
  16. yknpdlr

    Stay Out of the Woods in June!

    I had some kind of bite on my under arm where I could not see it a few weeks ago. Fearing a tick bite, I visited my family doc and he gave me a complete blood work up. It hurt for a couple of weeks and left an entrance wound that has not yet healed. Negative for Lyme, probably a spider. He's a...
  17. yknpdlr

    Tips To Deal With The Great Tick Invasion

    You will have much the same experience in Old Forge NY, where the deer seemingly without any care or caution walk the roadways and lawns without a care in the world, to the delight of tourists visiting from city locations. It has been said with tongue in cheek that those deer are on the payroll...
  18. yknpdlr

    Defend your food barrel?

    A few years ago I saw a Garicia bear canister (the solid black one) at the Adirondack Lodge that was rented out and returned with a bottom corner completly chewed out, exposing any contents it may have had. The renter said he watched a red squirrel work on iit for three days before it completed...
  19. yknpdlr

    Satellite Communicator (Garmin In Reach Mini II) questions.

    I don't know about the Inreach or what kind of antenna it uses. But During the Yukon River reaces, every boat was required to carry a SPOT, although more recently I think other eequiavlaent devices are approved. Before coming to Whitehorse, while still at home, you had to demonstrate that you...
  20. yknpdlr

    Show us pictures of your canoe vehicle with boat(s)

    He is probably expecting one heck of a tailwind to push him along.