• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Jatfomike

    Dutch Oven Recipes

    Here are a couple loaves of DO bread I made for Christmas.....It's an artisan white 80% Biga. It would be extremely difficult to make in camp as the total process takes about 16 hours and you have to control the temperature the whole time.......maybe car camping.....I'm still searching for...
  2. Jatfomike

    “Need” a new solo!

    I have to say, that wood trim is awfully sexy on those new Phoenix! Glenn even had to drop in a photo of his SRT with those Hemlock slotted gunwales.....works of art! I've dreamt about taking my Phoenix up to Hemlock and having some custom slotted gunwales made for it......maybe...
  3. Jatfomike

    Cliff Jacobson

    I have quite a few of his books as well......He is definitely one of my "canoe tripping Idols". He is in his early to mid 80's now and still taking month long trips every Summer. Primarily river trips in Northern Canada. Kind of a funny story, about 10 or so years ago I was in the boundary...
  4. Jatfomike

    “Need” a new solo!

    When I’m on flat water with my phoenix, I’ll usually start out with a couple of “C” strokes to get some forward momentum followed by regular strokes with the occasional “J” to keep me going straight…. @Woodpuppy- congrats on getting the boat wet! 🎊🍺 Mike
  5. Jatfomike

    “Need” a new solo!

    You’re killing’ me! 😂 you’ve had it a week….you live in Florida…..and you still haven’t gotten it wet!
  6. Jatfomike

    The WCHA Has a New Board Member: Me

    Congrats Glenn! I am a newer member as well. Mike
  7. Jatfomike

    “Need” a new solo!

    She's a beauty! Congratulations! Now get out and paddle! Mike
  8. Jatfomike

    Dutch Oven Recipes

    @Odyssey - if you are interested in baking bread with a Dutch oven, you need to read “Flour, Water, Salt, Yeast” by Ken Forkish. He is a world renown bread baker out of Portland, Oregon. He specialized in artisan breads and took his recipes and tweaked them for the home baker. The hardest...
  9. Jatfomike

    Used boats at Hemlock Canoes

    I just took a peak at Hemlock Canoes website and they recently posted a bunch of used boats I assume either taken in on trade or consignment with possibly a few of their own demos. Quite a few solos. Hemlock Canoe used boats Mike
  10. Jatfomike

    The 8 Best BWCA Routes

    I clicked on the link from my iPhone and started getting pop up messages warning about viruses and such🤷‍♂️ ….I closed it out… I would hope the Frost River route made the list! Mike
  11. Jatfomike

    New Cross Post on FreestyleCanoing.com

    I thought you would have had it by now?!?!?! When is it due?
  12. Jatfomike

    Photo of the day

    Sunrise paddle on the way into the office this morning. Mike
  13. Jatfomike

    Evolution of an Alaskan DipShip

    @Alasgun....Though I will probably never have the opportunity to fish in this manner, nor do I have the fabrication skills of yourself or many of the other members on here, I have still enjoyed following along. Keep in mind in the lower 48, we are in prime paddling season....many of the...
  14. Jatfomike

    Essential nonessentials.

    Definitely a chair! I forget the model, but started out with the original Helinox chair years ago, but as I get older it got harder to get out of....hard on the knees, so I upgraded a few years ago to the newer, similar model with longer legs......much easier....I also carry a helinox table for...
  15. Jatfomike

    The Dayton (Ohio) Canoe Club.....Last one standing

    It's a private club and each member has a key and pass code for 24/7 access. Membership hovers at around 100. Of the 100 members, there are probably 25 or so "active" members. I'll PM you my phone number and you can reach out to me sometime and I'll take you over for a tour. In fact, any...
  16. Jatfomike

    Trip Reports and Performance Review of B.N. Morris Wood-Canvas Canoe

    Awesome! Glad you were able to get it out. Great photos. Thanks for sharing. Mike
  17. Jatfomike

    Good Morning

    Did any of the old Bell molds/forms come with the business? Mike
  18. Jatfomike

    Photo of the day

    Same campsite the following morning with a heavy fog and the rising sun reflecting off the lake
  19. Jatfomike

    Photo of the day

    The below pic was taken a couple of weeks ago from our campsite on Red Rock Lake in the BWCA. The moon was just coming over the hillside on the far side of the lake and at about 2 o’clock you can see another glow that was bright enough to throw a reflection on the lake as well. My buddy...