• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Erica

    Sewing projects

    ^ So, how did you get up there? What are the dimensions of the blind?
  2. Erica

    Should tandem paddlers ever paddle on the same side?

    Exactly. It is graceful, smooth, a wonderful experience.
  3. Erica

    Should tandem paddlers ever paddle on the same side?

    For a while I had a great tandem partner and we followed the best practice rules alluded to above. The grace and performance of paddling together is worth it. I always paddled stern and can paddle both sides well, though I will stick to starboard when entering rapids. Now I paddle solo. I’ve...
  4. Erica

    Sewing projects

    What neat stitching!
  5. Erica

    Free Wilderness Medicine/First Aid Textbooks

    I am taking a Wilderness First Aid course through University of Utah, School of Medicine. All their textbooks are free to download here: https://www.awls.online/library There are 10 texts from basic wilderness first aid to SAR. So far, the information seems to be up to date and concise and...
  6. Erica

    Spring 2023 weather where you are?

    We have had hot summer weather in April. In the 90s and sunny during the day. This eased off a bit the last week with cloud cover and lots of rain. Way too much rain for the dry season.
  7. Erica

    Newbie Solo Paddler

    Welcome. Solo canoeing is great. I wish for you lots of adventures.
  8. Erica

    Greetings from Virginia

    Welcome. I spent a few months in Blacksburg many years ago. Paddled the New River, some coastal areas and some other smaller rivers. We could paddle the river but could no touch the bottom.
  9. Erica

    Grasse River Boatworks Classic XL

    This boat is for sale close to my home. I cannot find info on the rocker and it looks like the ends are pretty sharp. The description says it is “nimble” and good for small creeks, but seems unlikely. It is the 16’8” version. Designed by Gene Newman Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of...
  10. Erica

    Canoe seats

  11. Erica

    Canoe seats

    What keeps the yoke in place when portaging? Maybe the weight of the canoe would keep it on your shoulders, but what about when slinging the boat over your hear to put in place? BTW, I love the design.
  12. Erica

    Lock points

    I use a serious bike lock to tie canoe to the rack, which is also locked. It never occurred to me someone would saw through a thwart.
  13. Erica

    Favorite camp chair

    How much does it weigh? The product listing doesn’t say. I still just sit on the ground, or a log, or a rock.
  14. Erica

    New Hemlock Peregrine owner

    Very nice!
  15. Erica

    New here, just picked up an old Mohawk Skipper 13’

    Welcome. Mohawks were originally made in Florida. We have several. I love my 13 ft.
  16. Erica

    Second Machias Lake, Maine -video-

    Capturing in video all we go out for…grace, serenity, peace. Thank you, Robin.
  17. Erica

    Coffee cups, insulated or not.

    On cold mornings, I like to wrap my fingers around a hot mug of cocoa. Insulated mugs won’t let me do that.
  18. Erica

    Hi there from Florida

  19. Erica

    Good day
