• Happy Birthday, Albert Einstein (1879-1955)! 🇪🟰Ⓜ️🇨2️⃣

Search results

  1. Waterdog

    Duluth Packs

    when I use my canvas packs I load them up with individual dry bags and no liner. Dry bags for clothes, sleeping bag(s). I use Frost River packs which are made of waxed canvas. I don’t set them on anything in the canoe or protect them and they are always dry inside even after days of rain. I...
  2. Waterdog

    Touch up painting a wood/Dacron Loon Works

    I have some pictures I will try to add later of the touch up process. I’m on my phone right now Barry
  3. Waterdog

    Touch up painting a wood/Dacron Loon Works

    I have a Stewart River with the Dacron and have touched it up in spots numerous times. I don’t treat this boat any better than the composite boats. For my canoe, Epifanes #23 (deep red) was used I bought a quart of it for touch up paint after its first BWCA trip. Lightly wet sand the...
  4. Waterdog

    Pack Basket Treat or not Treat

    I appreciate reading all the tips and views on how to care for a basket. I have about 7 canvas frost river packs. the basket in the OP is a size medium. I am going to buy the small once it is back in stock and between the two I will have the right size basket for 6 out of the 7 packs. The...
  5. Waterdog

    Bears in the ADKs

    I used to obsess about paddling the Seal and other rivers in the region. I didn’t want to do it as part of outfitter trip with a bunch of strangers. And then I found out more about the polar bears and that deterred me. PaddlingPitt has confirmed that I won’t be going up there to paddle...
  6. Waterdog

    Bears in the ADKs

    The main reason I don't carry it is because 1. every bear I see is running away from me, 2. I only see about one bear every two years because I always have my dog with me, 3. As YC notes, train with the canister...I don't know how bad bear spray is compared to CS gas used for military...
  7. Waterdog

    Bears in the ADKs

    I plan on hitting the Whitney loop in about 3.5 weeks. This will be my third time and I've done smaller sections many times too. I have bear spray but haven't carried it since the original trip (BWCA) that I bought it for. I keep a clean camp and all food and sundries are kept in a blue...
  8. Waterdog

    Pack Basket Treat or not Treat

    Thanks for the input. I will probably not treat it but might reconsider if it becomes a main part of my paddling kit. I will store it in my basement to make sure it is dry. The pack will be for day hiking in areas where the hunting is active. Boreal that application schedule is the same one...
  9. Waterdog

    Interesting, Helpful, Memorable Folks You've Met on Canoe Trips

    I rarely see anyone close enough to talk to, but if I too met a red headed ranger named Gary at the base of the Raquette Falls. I was with a couple inexperienced friends and my Dad, and it was pouring rain (probably beginning of October) and after a few minutes of talking, Ranger Gary left...
  10. Waterdog

    Pack Basket Treat or not Treat

    I very recently acquired a black ash pack basket and hunter orange waxed canvas utility pack. Most of time I use canvas packs for hiking and canoe trips, but this is the first basket I’ve bought for myself. While it will serve double duty, it’s primary purpose is a garbage collector. I will...
  11. Waterdog

    Multi pocket canoe packs

    While I’m not a fan of the sealine style bags, that’s a great idea and equally great execution! barry
  12. Waterdog

    Multi pocket canoe packs

    Gerald, I have no experience with the pack you linked to, but from your described needs, maybe a smaller tactical pack from Maxpedition or similar company with MOLLE panels would work. I think they hang low enough to clear your yoke and you could get pouches suitable for you gear to attach to...
  13. Waterdog

    Blew out a flip flop

    I can’t imagine you wouldn’t just fix them with the right type of epoxy and hardener. Heck, a search of this site might even reveal an 8year old thread that you already made detailing this very repair sequence. Maybe you just forgot how to do it.
  14. Waterdog

    What oil to use on a bare paddle shaft?

    I've been using Badger Oil on my paddles too. My first Badger paddle was a digger model ordered with oil finish. I liked the feel so much I ordered the oil with the next paddle. Not sure that there's any other way to get it. Barry
  15. Waterdog

    Poll: How often do you paddle alone (one boat) vs. with a group?

    Same here. there was once a small crew but some had kids and some started mountain biking so it's mostly me and my dog. River shuttles are a b*tch solo but otherwise I'm just fine with it.
  16. Waterdog

    Whitney Wilderness Loop

    I can't find my paddler's map, but I've done the whole loop and several versions of it. Enough to know that three days as you describe is doable. My first time doing the whole loop I stayed at Rock pond, then Lila, then Lows. It definitely could be sloppy from Rock pond over to the Shingle...
  17. Waterdog

    15' Willow updates

    Looks very nice Patrick. I think you almost have to go with Kirby’s Grayling Gray just on the name alone! Cheers, Barry
  18. Waterdog

    Adjust Image Size

    Take it for face value but I noticed that both times I have tried to upload a photo and resized it down BEFORE inserting into the editor, it inserted sideways. If I leave it at its original size it comes in fine and the editor resizes it per the forum settings. barry
  19. Waterdog

    Middle Youghiogheny River, SW Pennsylvania

    No takers yet but if you’re in the neighborhood I will not be driving my Tacoma but a white jeep instead. It will have the SRT on it. I dropped my truck off at the mechanics and left my credit card with my wife. Who knows what that will lead to?
  20. Waterdog

    Middle Youghiogheny River, SW Pennsylvania

    It's been a busy summer for work and a dry one for paddling this year so far. With the remnants of Ida came substantial rain and everything came up...way up. The middle yough shot up to 9+ feet in 12 hours and now is dropping even faster. I'm hoping it will be at 3' or higher tomorrow. I...