• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. Erica

    Looking for a paddle

    I've bought quite a few canoes in Florida and frequently a paddle or two is thrown in to the bargain. But I rarely see paddles for sale by themselves. I started out with heavy wooden something like beavertails at Girl Scout camp a billion years ago. I just kept trying and buying different ones...
  2. Erica

    Vanishing Trails, David and Lea Jackson

    Ppine, at least you can still get out there. We are all getting old.
  3. Erica

    Vanishing Trails, David and Lea Jackson

    Are you retiring from canoe tripping? :(
  4. Erica

    Loadout for Upcoming 30 Day Trip

    I am not bothered by monotony or by simple, repetitive meals. What I will do, for long trips, is hide some high cal treats somewhere, which I promptly forget about. When they turn up mid-trip, it is a nice surprise. I also repackage everything and organize by meal. Smaller volume, which is...
  5. Erica

    The Joy of (Self-Imposed) Canoe Trip Suffering

    On a wilderness trip, my canoe comes up out of the water and gets tied securely bow and stern. Some places this isn't possible, but hearing stories like yours, TXRiverRunner, reinforces my practice. I've been in a couple of bad storms, one in the 10,000 Islands and another in the midwest...
  6. Erica

    Vanishing Trails, David and Lea Jackson

    Thirty-odd years ago I was on a northern river - back before the internet - no knowledge of the river except topo maps. Found no signs of humans, except for the old, old portage trails around the falls. Walking in history's footsteps. Thanks for posting this great video of a great journey.
  7. Erica

    Hello from S. Florida

    Welcome. Congratulations on finding yourself such a great canoe. I am also in south Florida, and I used to have a border collie named Lucy. There is a lot of good canoeing around. Yes, all the yakkers and paddle boards are the rage, but it is possible to find places where they are not so...
  8. Erica

    Cree River Summer 2023

    CREE RIVER - PART 7 AUGUST 23, 2023 Downstream from Hawk Island I have been blessed, sitting in the warm sun, watching beautiful remote waters rush by, while I sit safe on shore. Soaking up the sun. You are probably wondering what those bandages are on each leg just below the knee. These are...
  9. Erica

    Class 1 River Trip in Northern Nevada- yes there is at least one!

    What a great trip. Interesting geology and river running.
  10. Erica

    Four friends, seven days, 100 km of paddling on a lake tour in Germany's most beautiful paddle region

    Great story. Thanks for posting. I encountered some portage aids like you describe in a pourvoirie in Quebec; the access to Riviere Megiscane. They were designed for heavier fishing boats, but still made portaging a bit easier,
  11. Erica

    Canoe for solo tripping and fishing

    This thread is reminding me of the pleasures and benefits of paddling a tandem solo. There was much more room and greater stability. Fishing from the boat was much easier. I remember paddling my Mohawk tandem in the Everglades and Big Cypress. Lots of flat water. I got a kick out of learning to...
  12. Erica

    Loadout for Upcoming 30 Day Trip

    I have a story about fire starters and tinder in an emergency situation, but you'll have to wait till more toward the end of my trip report. I'll just say be sure to bring dry tinder. When it is cold and wet and rainy and moss and lichens grow on every single branch is not the time to find out...
  13. Erica

    Photo of the day

    Yay! Get those little ones out on the water. I can tell already she's gonna be a great canoeist.
  14. Erica

    Loadout for Upcoming 30 Day Trip

    Great post and great pictures. Thank you for posting. You might want to think about having a few more survival items in your ditch bag, for example a bic lighter and tinder (or small candle.) After a capsize with everything wet and cold it is good to get a fire started asap.
  15. Erica

    Hood loop tie downs

    The presence of two loops sticking out from under the hood generates more questions about my car than anything else.
  16. Erica

    Cooking Fish

    When I have had to minimize weight, as someone previously mentioned, I leave the fishing equipment home. I also have boiled fish, in addition to the other methods mentioned. It is good, but be careful not to overcook it. Regarding the weight of the oil: as I am sure you all know, oil has...
  17. Erica

    Things you've lost or misplaced on a canoe trip . . .

    On the second day of a 2 week trip on the Megiscane River, Quebec, I noticed I was missing my spoon. I knew just where I had set it down, a beach where I had lunch. But it was portages and miles back. Luckily I had another, so no problem. Many years later on the Little Tupper to Lila Lake...
  18. Erica

    Dreaded Cancer, Mark III

    You all give me great inspiration to keep tripping. (My chronic conditions are no where near as tough as fighting cancer and heart disease.) Thank you.
  19. Erica

    Lake Jocassee, SC

    In all likelihood, based on your description, Big Bird was an immature Bald Eagle. They do not achieve their distinctive white heads and tails until after their third year. Thank you for the trip report. It’s great to get kids out on the water.
  20. Erica

    Greetings from upstate SC
