• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Search results

  1. Erica

    Lights for Tripping

    Agreed. On my last trip, 3 weeks, I had a Zoleo and was expected to check in daily, an iphone which I used for photos, but it is needed for the routine Zoleo use, the headlamp, 2 battery bricks and a solar charger, Big Blue, which worked great. As did the Luci light. Next trip, emergency only...
  2. Erica

    Lights for Tripping

    For a long trip I have a Luci light which is what I use almost exclusively. I have an ultralight head lamp should more focused light be needed, but I almost never use it. It has rechargeable batteries and I carry a couple charging bricks on a 3 week trips for all the electronics. I am very...
  3. Erica

    The nature of speed.

    When I was paddling the 15 ft tandem Mohawk backwards, it was easier to paddle heeled over than flat.
  4. Erica


    I keep my head down and eyes closed until a hurricane warning is issued. Then I put up the plywood shutters, hunker down and pray.
  5. Erica

    Wind threshold

    I had a battle with the wind two summers ago on Cree Lake. Knuckle biting. On the upper Swannee River the wind blowing upstream is enough to cancel out the river flow. It’s like you’re going nowhere.
  6. Erica

    Bamboo Pole?

    I grow bamboo and was hoping to use it as building materials. Reading up on how to cure bamboo for use has put most of these projects on hold. There were three main cures. Heat fired. Long soak in salt water. And another. I’ve found that if I harvest mature stalks and do not let the touch the...
  7. Erica

    Has anyone been around the Whitney Wilderness Area this season?

    I used to spend summers near there. Nearly needed panty change when the first ones came by. The sound comes out of nowhere. They were way low, right over the river. The noise was like a freight train barreling down on you.
  8. Erica

    Fulfilled Dreams and Revisiting the Favorites.

    Thank you ppine. The credit really goes to all the fine folks that make this forum so refreshing and welcome.
  9. Erica

    Prospector in Whitewater/Ollie Sandeman Video

    Those are two very different kinds of whitewater. The kid is primarily handling big waves with a lot of back paddle. The first paddler can use more forward paddle and has to worry about dodging all the obstacles. I personally couldn’t even dream of either run.
  10. Erica

    Your three favorite pieces of comfort or luxury canoe camping gear

    1. 3-person tent 2. 2 sleeping bags 3. Heavy excellent binoculars For one person.
  11. Erica

    St. Regis Canoe Area - 8/29 to 9/1

    Great trip report. It’s always good to see the little ones taking to the water. Reminds me of taking my little one out.
  12. Erica

    La Vérendrye: Extended season.

    Only 4 circuits open and these must be booked in advance. Paddlers will be loaned orange bibs so that indigenous hunters, who are not barred from the green zone, can see you.
  13. Erica

    Tripping Sights and Sounds You Miss

    The call of the loons and white-throated sparrow and hermit thrush. Whispers of wind through the pines Being tucked in a warm sleeping bag when all around me is nippy. Stars in a truly dark sky. Paddling in the moonlight As others have mentioned, it takes me about three days to settle in...
  14. Erica

    King Arthur's Canoe

    According to The Boy’s King Arthur, he met a damsel who told him where to find the sword. Merlin tells him it is the Lady of the Lake.
  15. Erica

    Fulfilled Dreams and Revisiting the Favorites.

    I sincerely hope you find your magic.
  16. Erica

    King Arthur's Canoe

    I'm not sure if this is being posted in the right place or not. Glenn, feel free to move around. I was muddling through a variety of unusual web queries and went down a rabbit hole with King Arthur. While we all are familiar with him pulling the sword from the stone, this is not the oldest...
  17. Erica

    What's your morning routine on canoe trips?

    I like to get the inside of the tent packed up before getting out, but I leave the tent up in case the weather changes, which it did frequently on my last trip. I used to enjoy a cup of cocoa every morning, but didn't have much appetite at all the last trip. Most of the cocoa came home with me...
  18. Erica

    Kevin Callan's 91 (!!!) Rules for Wilderness Canoe Camping

    I carried a lot of rope on last summer's trip, thinking I would hardly use any of it. Barely made it through. Could have used a lot more.
  19. Erica

    Multi Tools

    I have a leather man, not sure what model. I’ve taken it on every trip and never used it. The only thing I’ve ever used for repairs, etc. is duct tape. But that doesn’t mean I should leave it at home. I don’t use 90% of my first aid kit on a trip, but I still bring it along.
  20. Erica

    Olympics Canoe or Kayak

    Thanks for posting these. Quite astounding to watch. I was wondering “where are the rocks?” Off topic, but yesterday my YouTube channel took me from canoeing to women’s wall climbing. I was blown away. They go up that wall like lightning.