• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Search results

  1. Erica

    Bag vs barrel

    Watershed has superb products. I’m sure cost gets in the way of purchasing them. I first saw one a guide had. Patagonia is now making duffels and backpacks with waterproof zippers. None of that squeezing and rolling down business. I bought a duffel on sale and plan to design some shoulder...
  2. Erica

    The Oldest Rivers in the World

    I’ve paddled the New River in several places. There was a great place for practicing navigating a class II ledge. There was a solo paddler who was paddling UP the rapids, ferrying up eddy by eddy. I was amazed. I had never seen that before. (This was 30+ years ago.)
  3. Erica

    Which PFD do you have?

    I finally found a new pfd that fits and has a knife lash tab. I’ve been wearing. Stolquist pfd designed for women, but it lacks a lash tab. It never occurred to me a pdf would be sold without a lash tab. Astral Layla is my new pfd. Comfortable and fits well over the curves. One lash tab...
  4. Erica

    Hello from Allagash

  5. Erica

    The Dark Side of CPR

    In my experience, someone with a DNR order is not likely to be in a wilderness setting. At least in Florida a DNR order is only permitted when the patient has a terminal condition. In Florida, the DNR is posted on the refrigerator in the home and First Responders know to look there. If there is...
  6. Erica

    The Longest Canoe Trip in Indiana: 9 Miles?

    Great photos. How did he get pictures of each step of his capsize?
  7. Erica

    The Dark Side of CPR

    That is why it is recommended one have a living will, and if one has a terminal illness, a Do Not Resuscitate order. When I was involved with the volunteer fire department, we learned of the very low success rates of CPR. The exceptions are children, drownings and hypothermia. In those...
  8. Erica

    Hello There

  9. Erica

    The Rainbow-Debsconeag Wormhole

    A great adventure. I enjoyed reading about your planning and decision making.
  10. Erica

    The Muskoka River X: World's Toughest Canoe Race?

    Nice read. Good photos, too.
  11. Erica

    Hit by a Car on Bike

    What an awful experience! I'm so glad you are safe now and healing. I hope it goes quickly.
  12. Erica

    Silver Springs, Florida Day Trip

    I understand about the time warp. There is no swimming allowed now at Silver Springs. So that must have changed since you were snorkeling. That is no longer an option. The crystal clear waters over the white sand certainly is inviting.
  13. Erica

    Silver Springs, Florida Day Trip

    Woodpuppy is correct. The feral monkeys are a problem, most seriously as they are carrying Herpes B and could spread it to humans. It is a public health problem that has not been addressed yet AFAIK. Brad said he saw some armoured catfish, but not a lot - maybe a half dozen. For those who do...
  14. Erica

    Fun with Chat GPT

    Researching Charles Mason was just one of those rabbit holes I go down from time to time. I used it to test ChatGPT because it was not widely known. The information can be found in more than one source, but here is one for you: https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rsnr.1951.0004...
  15. Erica

    What are you reading?

    Stories from the Churchill by Ric Driediger An excellent read of tales from northern Saskatchewan. Ric has been paddling, guiding and outfitting for travel on all the rivers in the area. Chapters begin with the kind of interesting tales one would expect and build to an end of outstanding and...
  16. Erica

    Fun with Chat GPT

    I've been using ChatGPT for about a month now. It has been useful for some of the things not related to canoeing and not useful for others. The canoeing question I asked was to please recommend a canoe route in Woodland Caribou Wilderness Area. The parameters I gave it were: 10-12 day trip, no...
  17. Erica

    Silver Springs, Florida Day Trip

    Yesterday we spent a few hours on Silver River, a short river (6 miles) draining Silver Springs and then connecting with the Ocklawaha River (and eventually, on to St John's River and the Atlantic Ocean.) The river has a couple of main springs near the put in and then little springs spring up...
  18. Erica

    Hello from Alabama!

    Welcome to the forum. Im glad you are her and am looking forward to hearing about Alabama rivers.
  19. Erica

    Sewing projects

    Decades ago there was a company that sold kits for things like tarps and tents and packs and sleeping bags. That was pretty successful at the time. I’d like to start sewing again now that I am retired. But I don’t have a sewing machine and wouldn’t know where to start looking. This thread is...
  20. Erica

    whitewater chain of command

    I was taught that the stern sets the big picture route and the bow does the urgent moves around obstacles. The stern then follows the bow. This is, of course, after the route has been discussed and agreed upon. It takes skill and cooperation. You have to be able to trust your partner. A good...