• Happy National K9 Veterans Day! 🪖🐕‍🦺

Search results

  1. mwaalen

    Astro Van Canoe Rack Ideas Anyone??

    Finally putting this one to rest. Pulled off the rear passenger section of trim and nothing but a bare, straight/perpendicular walled slot. Trim was attached by double-sided foam tape. Thanks to all of you that have made suggestions and shared frustration. Think I'm going to solve this one with...
  2. mwaalen

    Canoe Work Rack/Sling Thing

    Sometimes the simplest designs are the best and your solution appears to be just that. But....Why are talking 2x4s and plywood when your boats are staring at me? Stunning! I have not searched around the forum too much yet but imagine those are your builds? I'll check back tomorrow morning for...
  3. mwaalen

    Canoe Work Rack/Sling Thing

    OK, I have no idea what these types of things are called for people in-the-know, nor have I searched for best practices with them so certain there are all sorts of far more ingenious designs than this frankenstein. However, in about an hour I had this pieced together and imagine it would support...
  4. mwaalen

    Astro Van Canoe Rack Ideas Anyone??

    The Astro is a MK-3 package which is a conversion as I understand in reading the literature. The visor does look nice but I have taken it off at times being it seems to generate a bit of drag/noise when the wind is just so. Poor gas mileage the way it is with AWD. Yes, curtains in the rear but...
  5. mwaalen

    Astro Van Canoe Rack Ideas Anyone??

    All that I had time for this weekend was to snap these photos of my "stupid" van which I honestly am quite fond of. It is my low budget, slightly unusual, hotrod. Kind of like my Sunrunner which will look oh so sweet when perched on top. Admittedly aesthetics make no difference in the world of...
  6. mwaalen

    Astro Van Canoe Rack Ideas Anyone??

    Thanks everyone. Lots to digest and I need to do a bit more investigation before I respond to any of the helpful suggestions. Here in MN we went from 90's to 20's in the course of about 2 weeks so winter prep has been a bit frantic. Hope to share more this evening. I'll snap a couple photos of...
  7. mwaalen

    Astro Van Canoe Rack Ideas Anyone??

    Whoops...The universal photo on the right would work for the front but not the back as only a sliding door on the one side. I'm getting lost in all the details.
  8. mwaalen

    Astro Van Canoe Rack Ideas Anyone??

    Thanks Mason. The Fit My Car interface has 3 options for Astros however they don't have anything for a van without anything already up there. I did a bit more image searching and found a couple options of different brands that look promising and I may just need to get on the phone with some of...
  9. mwaalen

    Astro Van Canoe Rack Ideas Anyone??

    Found an Astro in the parking lot with rack however it mounts inside of the goofy plastic molding. Darn again as my van has no pre-drilled anything on the roof. Still need to look into the aftermarket gutters. Thanks
  10. mwaalen

    Astro Van Canoe Rack Ideas Anyone??

    Thank you for the reinforcement on the OEM rack idea Alan. I have seen the assembly drawings on these and more parts than I would've guessed but agreed not complicated.The van has plastic molding/trim strips glued into a channel running down both the left and right sides shown in photo...
  11. mwaalen

    Astro Van Canoe Rack Ideas Anyone??

    Time to poll the experts as I am striking out with my far-too-many months worth of internet searching. The stock rack for a 1997 Astro (GMC Safari) is discontinued so not available through dealerships. I have asked a number of them. The only one currently on ebay is for an earlier model which...
  12. mwaalen

    Mad River Sunrunner 1994

    Agreed on the weighing difficulties but I have been to Wisconsin a time or two and have seen individuals in bars sporting Sheboygan Goiters that must've been darn close to a 16ft cantilever. I bet the scale lies to them too. Great point on the shallow V adding efficiencies. In just envisioning...
  13. mwaalen

    Mad River Sunrunner 1994

    CORRECTION: In thinking through the details of our last trip it occured to me that on the longer portages (400M & up) I was not carrying the 20 lb day pack along with the canoe. Generally my son would carry that with the food pack and then we did a return trip for the main gear pack. For...
  14. mwaalen

    Mad River Sunrunner 1994

    Contemplated buying a different scale but didn't want to run into town, nor spend the money. Instead got the bathroom scale out again and weighed myself and then me with shouldered canoe and did the math. Figured this was good as anything even if the scale is off 5 lbs being the weight...
  15. mwaalen

    Mad River Sunrunner 1994

    Thanks Mike for the input and I agree many details point to this being a glass boat. Last week I did contact Confluence/MR tech support for PDFs of MR catalogs from '95 - 2000 as I already had the '94. Also asked him for any literature on KE or Airex but I received nothing on these. KE boats are...
  16. mwaalen

    Mad River Sunrunner 1994

    Finally back to this project and rereading prior discussion but more questions as the material lay-up confuses me. The cboats discussion speaks of kevlar airex boats having a raised football-shape on the floor which this does...sort of. See photo. Note the raised section does not follow the...
  17. mwaalen

    Let the Caption/Narrative Contest Begin!

    In the days before SmartWool; Somewhere deep inside the belly of Woodland Caribou Provincial Park (seriously)... Following yet another hardly satisfying meal of sodium enriched dirty rice & fish skin, our chief paddle porteur took a well-earned break to reflect upon what in heaven's name made...
  18. mwaalen

    Photo of the day

    Let the caption contest begin! In the days before SmartWool; somewhere deep inside the belly of Woodland Caribou Provincial Park... Following yet another hardly satisfying meal of sodium enriched dirty rice & fish skin, our chief paddle porteur took a well-earned break to reflect upon what in...
  19. mwaalen

    How Not to Canoe

    Thanks to you all that have shared & contributed to the humor as this individual openly exposed himself to ridicule. Life is too short to cover up our mistakes. This just keeps getting better! Stay tuned for the next one where we can anonymously take jabs at another member of my canoe troupe...
  20. mwaalen

    How Not to Canoe

    Thank you for your support yellowcanoe as I was having a bit of poster's remorse. Just a bit...well...come to think of it...maybe none at all.