• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Search results

  1. P

    Cookware for fires

    Examples (also a plug for the reflector oven!):
  2. P

    Cookware for fires

    The traditional choices are aluminum billy pots (with bails), and pressed-steel cold handle frying pans. They're definitely thinner than the nice stainless cookware I use at home on a stove, but durable, light, and get the job done.
  3. P

    Congaree National Park.

    I haven't done South Cedar Creek, but I did once do the mainstem Congaree River from Cayce to Bates Landing. It's ~55 mi between access points so not a day trip, but it was beautiful and peaceful.
  4. P

    Downeast Lakes Water Trail, Maine

    The boiler was installed to run the pumps for the lock that used to exist at the dam, to lift the tan-bark steamer between Pocumcus and Sysladobsis. The boat, called the H.L. Drake, collected hemlock bark along the lakes for use in the leather tannery in Grand Lake Stream.
  5. P

    Avenza Maps

    I can't speak to anything more specialized for those two areas in particular, but both the US Geologic Survey and National Resources Canada topo quad maps are free in the Avenza store, so that's what I generally use.
  6. P

    Shortening canoe plans

    One thing to keep in mind is how the different options affect the total volume of the hull. If you shorten the length by 10% but leave the width and depth the same, you have 90% of the volume of the original hull. If you shrink all three dimensions by 10%, the volume will be 0.9*0.9*0.9, or 73%...
  7. P

    Chestnut seats

    Old Town used hand-caned seats until the late 1930's, then switched to machine-woven (pressed) cane. More info at the link below. http://forums.wcha.org/index.php?threads/old-town-cane-seats.17104/
  8. P

    New River Paddle trail near Boone, NC

    I can't speak to the New River, but the French Broad upstream of Asheville is also a good option if you're looking for a tame river in western NC. https://frenchbroadpaddle.com/
  9. P

    St. John River, Maine

    The Machias River in Washington County is free-flowing from headwaters to the ocean (dams removed a few decades ago), but that might be the only other one.
  10. P

    Receiving SPOT locations

    I think the "little over a mile" that Paddlinhal is referring to is if you take out at the beginning of quickwater, and don't line the first part. Probably depends on the water level and personal preference which option is better.
  11. P

    Receiving SPOT locations

    The portage is about a kilometer - you can line up the stream for a while, and then you take out below some ledges and portage the rest of the way to the dam on the road. The one time I've done it I was thirteen years old and rather green to the ways of portaging, so it was a very long kilometer.
  12. P

    Hello from New Hampshire

    The St. Croix River on the border with Canada is dam-controlled and generally has higher water levels in the late summer than others. The whitewater is on the tame side, but if you like gentle rapids it has lots. It does get pretty crowded in July and August.
  13. P

    Hello from New Hampshire

    The Machias is probably not very doable right now - the portion between Third and Second lakes is pretty bony even with good water, and likely virtually impassable now. Come spring, however, it is a lovely trip and I would highly recommend it.
  14. P

    Creating a wanigan...........

    No Title You got me curious about the weight, so I got one out to measure. It's about 13 lbs, although that's by me weighing myself on a bathroom scale holding it, so it's not super precise. In the picture I posted above each one has about 100 lbs of food in it, so the weight of the box is not...
  15. P

    Creating a wanigan...........

    No Title Here are two wannigans I made out of plywood. They're on the large side - 13x18x27", but they fit well in a 17' Prospector. All the joints are glued and screwed.
  16. P

    Bug tales

    No Title Mosquitoes in Labrador this summer - we ate dinner in our tent some days to we wouldn't have to take off our nets.
  17. P

    Old Town Tripper 20 foot Wood/Canvas weight

    The Old Town catalog from 1930 lists 94 lbs as the weight for a 20' Guide Special. In 1938 they increased the listed weight to 100.
  18. P

    Quebec/Labrador canoe trip

    Got one of those too! Acme Cold Handle I'm the original author of the post on the WCHA forums (and the guy holding the fish)