• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Search results

  1. Will Derness

    Seat and thwarts in a solo canoe

    I've never used this technique but I like the elegant simplicity of it. I'm curious about several things. For a symmetrical hull wouldn't that puddle be centered at the carry yoke? If not, is there a lot of variability amongst canoes where the COB is located? If you lived next to body of...
  2. Will Derness

    Seat and thwarts in a solo canoe

    The canoe pictured is a tandem that had the wood center carry yoke removed and was replaced by the 2 inch webbing. I place the webbing across my shoulders just like the wood yoke would be placed. This works just fine for the short distances I carry the canoe - vehicle to shoreline, vehicle to...
  3. Will Derness

    Seat and thwarts in a solo canoe

    Seat Placement. Although my preference is to sit in my solo seat, I do like to kneel when I'm trying to lower my center of gravity, most usually when conditions get rough. Whatever your weight, you are most likely the heaviest thing in the canoe. I prefer to locate my knees perhaps 1-2 inches...
  4. Will Derness

    Tip out spurs quest for a new chair

    River side tests of the CT chair will expose its need for broader feet, like tennis balls. Whether sand or gravel the moisture of the river will leave shoreline soils very moist for some depth from the surface. The farther away from the river you get the firmer the soil and the leg sinking...
  5. Will Derness

    Calling All Nocturnal Bookworms

    Another nice thing with the Paperwhite is if you don't interact with the screen, like turn a page, after 5 or 10 minutes it turns off. Falling asleep doesn't kill your battery. I've had mine 8-10 years and still have the original battery.
  6. Will Derness

    Calling All Nocturnal Bookworms

    The Kindle Paperwhite is a wonderful tripping companion. The built in light is not glaring at all and light intensity is adjustable. You can even it read it in bright sunlight. I get a week + maybe 2-3 weeks out of a fully charged battery, my use is mostly at night, before bed, reading an hour...
  7. Will Derness

    Tip out spurs quest for a new chair

    I think you'll find it pretty stable in most field conditions. Once seated, the chair legs will settle in slightly agive you support you can't find on a hard, slick tile floor. Even bedrock has some grip to it that tile lacks. Very wet soils or fine sand surfaces may have you need the tennis...
  8. Will Derness

    Tip out spurs quest for a new chair

    Admittedly the seat looks strange with seat rectangle rotated so a corner is what is in front. However, I think this design also helps in ease of standing as your legs rest over the backward angular sweep of the cloth. Very easy to slide your feet back to get under you as you stand. I find...
  9. Will Derness

    Tip out spurs quest for a new chair

    Camptime Roll a Chair. Packs down to 4x4x27. Same company that makes the roll a table. Been my companion for 15 years or so. My favorite feature is the seat height - standard chair height so very easy to stand up from. 4 legs and a seat back which folds down.
  10. Will Derness

    Handheld GPS question

    I seem to recall seeing a recent a Garmin notice about a new 78 unit with InReach. If remote communication is a desired capability it might be worth waiting for the new unit. I recently helped some friends who were 12 days on a western river with no cell service, nor NOAA NWS weather radio...
  11. Will Derness

    Handheld GPS question

    Ive been using a 78sc for several years now after my 76cx failed survive a protracted length of time submerged in whitewater. Everything that I used the 76 for is on the 78. Self made maps on micro cards work seamlessly on both units. it takes a little adjusting to where the features you...
  12. Will Derness

    Georgia or South Carolina in mid November?

    Well this suggestion could have you paddle into South Carolina. The last 60 miles of the Lumber River winds its way through a swamp wilderness, NC State Park campgrounds/landing along the way provide overnight lodging. End the trip at Rice Cove landing a couple of miles before the confluence...
  13. Will Derness

    Poll: How many years have you been paddling?

    Well I count 58 years if I were to start with my first canoe trip at age 14. In pursuit of the 50 miler merit badge, my first experience in a canoe was a multiday overnighter on the Upper Potomac. Something about waking up on the river on day 2 with several days of paddling and camping ahead...
  14. Will Derness

    Another Spray Skirt/Spray Cover Thread

    About 10 years ago I put a center seat and footbar in one of my tandem canoes, followed shortly thereafter with a back band. This setup lent itself to using a double blade and I got myself a long double blade for canoe use. On really windy days on openwater I found using the double blade...
  15. Will Derness

    How to Solo Lift a Canoe

    I found this instructional video inspiring. This gal would be welcome on any of my trips. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=X1-9aNR6AIk
  16. Will Derness

    Coffee Cups/Mugs and morning rituals

    When I remember it, after cooking the evening dinner and while the stove is running I'll boil 24 oz of water and pour it in the thermos overnight. Next morning the coffee gets going very quickly and has a hot vessel to receive the morning brew. Picture of the cup insert, the red sleeve...
  17. Will Derness

    Coffee Cups/Mugs and morning rituals

    Normally my morning includes a cup, sometimes two, of coffee. While canoe tripping my practice is to drip brew 2 mugs (24 oz) of coffee into a preheated stainless steel thermos. Preferring trips without portages, taking along a thermos isn't a an issue for me. Being an early riser, the first...
  18. Will Derness

    ISO niche day-boat suggestions

    Here's a niche boat for you Mike, and in your pricing sweet spot. https://lancaster.craigslist.org/boa/d/peach-bottom-16-canoe-with-paddles-and/6953633086.html