• Happy Birthday, Jack Kerouac (1922-69)! ✍🏻📖🛣️

Search results

  1. Will Derness

    Add your location to your profile and an avatar picture

    Once I was able to find a suitable image, that was easily done, Thanks for the tutorial Glenn.
  2. Will Derness

    Installing a new Wenonah foot brace in a ‘94 Prism

    My experience with the Wenonah sliding footbar has led me to prefer the fixed position version. The 2 sliding footbars I've used will both slip forward on me when strong bar pressure is applied. I tried to swap out my current slider for an old fixed position foot bar but the old fixed footbar...
  3. Will Derness

    Carrying a gun when canoe traveling just because

    My first feelings that I might want a side arm was after I started to sleep in the covered bed of my pickup truck in remote locations. If there is going to be trouble at my tailgate I am pretty defenseless, and without a retreat option. The confusing mixture of differing state/municipal laws...
  4. Will Derness

    Feast On Adventure

    Add me to the raffle, new recipe ideas are welcome
  5. Will Derness

    Thwarts & Seat placement opinions

    In the 1970s I bought a Sears Craftsman tool called the Portalign drill guide which has proved to be a very useful device. I dedicated an old corded 3/8 inch drill to be used with the alignment guide. My small workshop didn't have room for a drill press and my need for a drill press was only...
  6. Will Derness

    Rethinking 30 years of soloing tandems

    The last 3 years I’ve been solo paddling a Northstar Northwind 16 tandem. Out fitted with a center seat and foot bar.. it certainly passes the comfort hurdle as I can readily move about in the cockpit. On a recent 70 mile overnight trip I had no difficulty staying with my companions in solo...
  7. Will Derness

    Bell Yellowstone Solo Rebuild

    Nice work, restorations are a fulfilling undertaking. Step back and admire.
  8. Will Derness

    2021 Post-Migration Fundraiser is On: Please Contribute!

    Contribution in route via USPS. Many thanks for your efforts in bringing the site back!
  9. Will Derness

    Alternatives for this site's future

    The full migration plan is my preference and I would contribute to help fund that effort and the ongoing costs of keeping the site online. I’m not sure how much image size drives storage costs so it has been my practice to shrink the size of my photos before I upload them. If image storage...
  10. Will Derness

    Alternatives for this site's future

    I just logged in from current generation Ipad. Will try to post this response. I had been experiencing some navigational issues with buttons not working, all seems much better recently.
  11. Will Derness

    Penn Yan Kingfisher

    My thoughts exactly. I did say to myself, if I were to have a boat with a motor it should look like that.
  12. Will Derness

    What does a Old Town PACK look like with wood?

    That is the best looking OT Pack I’ve ever seen. Great restore!
  13. Will Derness

    No Rack. Boatless Summer?

    Long shot, but Leer caps use Thule for their rack builds. Maybe Leer might have an inventory of rails they might sell your local dealer.
  14. Will Derness

    Thwarts & Seat placement opinions

    Suggest you make hanger as wide as seat stay and even wider at gunwale. You are looking to maximize points of contact to dampen sway.
  15. Will Derness

    Thwarts & Seat placement opinions

    Dropping the seats will mean longer hanger dowels. Suggest you beef up the hangers to deal with seat sway issues- especially with bigger paddlers. When I’ve created wood hangers I get a rectangular oak milled piece of appropriate size and cut it to length to provide wider support at the...
  16. Will Derness


    If this will ease your snake anxiety a paddling friend of mine who is a zoo herpetologist told me that only poisonous snakes float. A snake you see in the water that has its entire body on top of the water is poisonous; if all you see is its head and neck it is a harmless water snake.
  17. Will Derness


    We paddled in February so reptiles were dormant. I’m sure there are snakes about during milder temps but the odds of encountering one is probably slim.
  18. Will Derness


    One of the many Black Creek sand bars we encountered. Most of this paddling is in remote forested country.
  19. Will Derness


    In SE Mississippi Black Creek and Red Creek have quite a few miles of scenic paddling. Located in Desoto National Forest overnight trips are possible and at normal levels numerous large sandbars offer pull over camp sites. Brooklyn, MS is the center for all this. Hattiesburg is the closet...
  20. Will Derness

    Long Arm of the Law

    Hopefully these helped make the recipients better playing partners.