• Happy 1st English Child Born in Canada (Jonathan Guy, 1613)! 🍁👶🏼

Cold handle frying pans, they’re still out there.

It's the perfect size for oatmeal ...
Interesting... I've always been afraid to put anything but oil in mine for fear of damaging the seasoning; I never realized that you could heat water.

I mean, I washed the new one last night with (gasp) soap and it retained the seasoned finish (Hot water scrub only from here on out but, without knowing its history, I wanted soap for the first wash).

I'll still heat water in a pot when in the woods but I like options... Have you brought water to a boil without damage?
Looks like a good one, here’s to many enjoyable fireside meals. Mine are not really seasoned, I just carry some EVO and use that for non stick cooking. Afterwards I wipe out the oil and crud with a paper towel, then wipe a thin coat of oil over the cooking area.
The friend who introduced me to cold handles seasoned his, I tried his recipe of baking them in an oven with a coating of oil but the seasoning never held up so I just use a fresh coating for every meal.
There is a secret hand shake for “cold handle owners” but it can’t be shared over the inter web, sorry.
Interesting... I've always been afraid to put anything but oil in mine for fear of damaging the seasoning; I never realized that you could heat water.

I mean, I washed the new one last night with (gasp) soap and it retained the seasoned finish (Hot water scrub only from here on out but, without knowing its history, I wanted soap for the first wash).

I'll still heat water in a pot when in the woods but I like options... Have you brought water to a boil without damage?

I was concerned about that too but it hasn't been a problem. I use 5 minute oats and do bring the water to a boil and the pan remains non stick. At home I regularly use it for the oatmeal and fried eggs and with just a shot of cooking spray or some oil the eggs flip nicely without using a spatula.

I'm not sure if they even need to be seasoned, they're just a good pan.
Nice find, and in very good condition. Finding any with perfect bottoms must be a rarity.
I treated mine with grapeseed oil to make them reasonably "non-stick". So far they've held up well, but I take care not to scorch them.
The thinness transfers heat so ridiculously fast it's easy to burn anything. That's why I use them over glowing embers, easy does it.
Only eggs and bannock so far. Happy camp cooking.
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