I am, as usual, late to the party on an interesting conversation. In fact, joined to chime in (I have been a long-time contributor on a couple of other tripping sites).
Single-carrying is my thing, both on group trips and solo.
Group trips it's simple: Each tandem has one large & heavy pack for community gear and food (plus one person's personal gear). On day one that's a meaty pack, but it gets progressively lighter. And then a second light pack (15ish #) for the personal gear of the second paddler, and they carry that pack plus the canoe. Bob's your uncle.
Solo I have down pat, and like some others it's lightweight backpacking gear for the most part.
Canoe is 24 pounds bare (17' solo), 28# with two paddles, fishing rod, map, bailer, painter, sponge, fishing tackle and yoke all secured for walking.
Pack is 22 pounds base weight, plus 20oz per day food.
For a week I am carrying roughly 59-60# at the beginning and I'm in the low 50's at the end...inclusive of the boat.
I can clip my paddle into a holder & attach the yoke quickly. When I am moving with purpose I am under two minutes from paddling to walking and under one to transition back - and that includes attaching the saddlebags to the dog, who carries her own gear & food (over a week and I have to carry some).
Admittedly, sometimes I move slow and smell some roses en route.
My favorite topic.