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Whitehorse Yukon - question about shopping for vegetarian foods

Sep 29, 2014
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Hallo, we are planning a 22 day trip in the Yukon this summer and need to buy all our food in Whitehorse.
As we come from Europe it is not possible to bring dried vegetarian food with us.
I have been in Whitehorse several times before but could never find much apart from nuts and dried milk powder.
Looking for purchasing dried egg powder, soya chunks, TVP, dried vegetables, dried vegetarian burger mixes.
Anyone know of options currently (year 2025) available in Whitehorse?
I've paddled the Yukon canoe races, always beginning with five trips to Whitehorse markets to finish stocking up on necessities. I always provided my team with home dehydrated meals for the Y1k, for the YRQ it was mostly up to the individuals on my voyageur or C4 team to provide for themselves locally. We always loaded up on necessary energy snacks and fruit, high energy and easy to digest race food. There is no shortage of a variety of food types available from a couple of local supermarkets, but I will admit that vegetarian only choices were never on the top of our list. Actually, I have found when preparing home dehydrated meals, that vegetarian recipes are usually quite tasty, although I found that they can be made much better by addition of some kind of meat protein.
My go-to vegetarian foods are oatmeal, quinoa, lentils, peanut butter, bannock, and assorted snacks (nuts, raisins, etc), all of which I'd expect to find at most grocery stores, require no trip prep other than repackaging, and it all cooks fast and easily.

My meals are simple and repetitive which does not bother me and makes pre-trip preparation much simpler and cooking during the trip is fast and easy.

The only foods I use that do require preparation before the trip are dried fruits and vegetables. I would think dried veggies would be the hardest thing to find. Maybe you could find something at an outfitter or maybe, if you're working with an outfitter, you could pay them to dehydrate a bunch of veggies before you arrive.

Plus one on the food drop idea. Whatever hotel you'll be staying at would probably be able to store a food shipment from home but you might check with the Whitehorse Post Office also.

Long distance backpackers often send supplies ahead and do resupply via the Postal Service. If you send it general delivery, they will probably hold it until your arrival (they can provide specifics about time frames, etc)

(Might not be a terrible idea to call / email the grocery store(s) as well and ask them about selection. They might even be willing to bring specific items in for you if you ask)
"In addition to conventional grocery items, we also carry a wide selection of organic, vegan, fair trade, whole food and specialty items."


You could also try sending a DM to member @Canotrouge, who lives in Whitehorse. He hasn't posted here in a couple of years, but sending him a DM will also trigger an email to him, which he is likely to see.