So my sad story turned out to be a good one. I have had a first generation Placidboat RapidFire (with relatively heavy wood gunwales compared to the later "cobra sox" gunwales) that I bought from Joe Moore new quite a few years ago. Not sure how long it took to build since I ordered the color I wanted, but I don't think it was very long.
A few years later the sleeker faster Shadow came out from Joe. After I raced the 90 miler in my RF with several other RF'ers against Joe and several of his employees all paddling Shadows, I became convinced that the primary purpose for the Shadow's existence was to beat all the Rapidfires that Joe had sold in previous years. So of course, I wanted one. Joe always had a display set up at the end of the 90 mile race, and every year the answer to my annual question was always the same. Order a shadow now (September) and it will be ready for you next September. Too late of course to train in it for the 90 miler in September.
So, my beautiful wife, with our 50th anniversary coming up decided to gift me a new shadow, and before I knew it she put down a deposit in That March, with expected completion date still a full year away. About the same time, I mentioned that I was looking at the possibility of a couple of other options. Oh crap, the cat is out of the bag. The Shadow could still be cancelled, but I let it go ahead. So she says, go ahead and get another to your liking anyway. I was looking at the GRB legend, a Swift Cruiser, and a Savage River Blackwater in addition to the Shadow, which did finally show up from Joe a full year after my wife ordered it.
Gene Newman at GRB failed to show up with a promised legend for me to try out at a spring canoe race, but he said it was not the right size for me anyway. Bill Swift then had a demo day along with Charlie Wilson at Saranac Lake, so I tried out a new Cruiser which I liked a lot and with recommendation from Charlie, I ordered a Cruiser customized to my liking personally from Bill who said he would deliver it to me at my home on his delivery rounds within a month, which he did.
About the same time a racing friend had just received a Blackwater that he was having trouble with it drifting to the left and wanted me to try it out to see if it or his stroke was defective. I could not see that he was causing any left turn bias while he was paddling, but when I paddled it, it went perfectly straight and true for me while single blade paddling on either side, turning only upon my command. I fell in love with it and in a couple of months ordered one direct from Savage River. It was finished from my order date within less than three months and last fall it was delivered to me, but too late for the paddling season with snow and ice before Thaksgiving.