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LOTN trip! Weeeeeee!

Oct 6, 2014
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Long Island NY
I signed up this week to finally go on one if their winter trips. After about 6 years I guess reading about them on Wintertrekking I am finally able to go since I retired from teaching in June!
Now the city boy will go into Canada! I have been collecting gear and going on car camping and short sled trips. I can’t wait!
Short slow and steady trip in January.
now to start getting back into shape.
But still have our AMC fall foliage trip in October. Plus a relocation to Denver in late October. Oh boy. Fun stuff ahead. Best to all.
David - I look forward to hearing about your adventure. Good luck with the knee rehab. I'll be interested in how your knee holds up as it could determine whether I look into their trips for the future. Hope it all goes well for you.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Thanks Jim and Snapper.
The knee feels great, just wish they programmed something into it to make me a better dancer! That’s also on a list. Not sure if my wife trusts me dancing so close to her feet.
Best to you both. Talk soon.
From one retired teacher to another, CONGRATULATIONS!! 👏👏

Also, a LOTN trip … good on ya !! You are going to have an amazing trip!

I added two pics. One was my wife and I wearing snow snows we bought from Dave. The other was me with an excellent Anorak from LOTN … without my snow shoes. Message to self … ALWAYS bring your snow shoes!!

Have a terrific trip. Looking forward to your trip report!

Woa! Bob B! So over the years I bought 3 pairs of wooden snowshoes, sort of got into decorating the "man cave". One pair are the Bear Paws, other is the modified Bear Paws and then the big arse Teardrops. The Teardrops are HUGE and it was a spur of the moment (for sale on FB these days). The modified I tried a few times and pretty good. The Bear Paws I tried also but not in your type of snow so I don't know how good they are, also maybe I'm to heavy. But I'll bring the BP and modified with me.
I also went the cheap way and had an anorak made, but after all of the expense I should have bought one from them or Empire.
But I'll make do, now I'm researching small duffle bags. BV made a great bag for me years ago but it's to large.
I taught 28 years in Queens NY, K-5 science but last 10 plus years it was basically grades 2-4.
How about you?
Best wishes.
Coldfeet...do you mind sharing what trip you signed up for? I looked at their website after you announced your trip and saw a 7 day trip that doesn't travel quite so much. More of a sit back, relax with a second cup of coffee & explore adventure. It sounded like something I could still do with my knee & heart issues; especially since I'm heading towards 72 years of age.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

David, best of luck with all your plans and move. Stay in touch. I did have to look up what LOTN was. Winter . . . (((shhivverrr))) . . . .
I remember reading some posts from Glenn about not understanding the enjoyment of winter in the North. As I get older my winter explorations become less arduous or adventurous, but I still have the love of being outside in the bush.

Coldfeet, I recommend a good pair or Mukluks or a pack boot with rubber bottoms for your trip.

As to teaching, my career lasted 31 years. I worked as a high school EBD Teacher. Emotionally Behaviorally Disturbed ( I hate that label ) ! My kids did not learn at a rate commensurate to their mainstream peers because their emotions got in the way. They were often the guys who got in trouble all the time in school, or simply were adjudicated and had been for years.
I signed up this week to finally go on one if their winter trips. After about 6 years I guess reading about them on Wintertrekking I am finally able to go since I retired from teaching in June!
Now the city boy will go into Canada! I have been collecting gear and going on car camping and short sled trips. I can’t wait!
Short slow and steady trip in January.
now to start getting back into shape.
But still have our AMC fall foliage trip in October. Plus a relocation to Denver in late October. Oh boy. Fun stuff ahead. Best to all.
Sounds “cool.” When and where is the winter trip?

Oh, Nevermind I’ll read the thread…duh.
Yes Snapper, lucky me they started a trip like that. Nice and easy one step at a time.

Glenn, the way our winters are going it might not be so bad. But you know my screen name is "coldfeet" so I'm planning on getting those boots that Bob B just mentioned. I always wanted the Mukluks and not the heavy Sorels.

Bob B, Over the years I worked with labeled students that were mainstreamed with regular ed students in the lower grades. Most just had a tough time reading. But the system ws slow to help out the students who needed smaller settings and I learned that many parents didn't understand that they had rights to get the system to help their child receive the needs for them to be successful. I told a good friend that he needs to get into the upper levell of the state and get things changed to help out all students. Hopefully that change will start asap.

Black_Fly , north or Toronto and a bit west of Sudbury. Can't wait, just to enjoy the winter wonderland and area. My first winter camping trip out of the states.
Hey David - I think you're going to enjoy your Steger mukluks. I'm on my second pair after wearing out the first pair. Mine are the "Arctic" version (I think that's what they're called) but you can identify them by the canvas uppers with the moose hide lower moc area. Ultra comfortable and incredibly warm. If you want to be sure of warmth, talk with the folks at Steger. They can guide you on the best way to ensure the warmth you're looking for. It's been a while since I last spoke with them on the phone but they've always been great to work with.

That's all for now. Take care and until next time...be well.

Cold Feet -

A little over a month before your trip. I am envious of you. Looking forward to pics and a trip report of your adventure. It is just starting to get colder here ... the canvas tent and wood stove are feeling pretty nice now.

Good luck preparing!

Leaving on Friday, renting some gear and bringing my own. Got quite a few emotions going from excited, nervous, happy and others. Interesting when being limited to 2 duffel bags and a small backpack. I'm so used to taking the kitchen sink but it's nice to take what's needed and not my wants. But I might just find one of those "oops, how did that get in my pack?" haha..To bad I can't bring good ol NY bagels on this trip to share, I'm not in that area anymore. Doing another test pack tonight. I'm looking forward to it. Will keep updated on the return. Best to all.
I got this Facebook post from LOTN the other day. Unless I am mistaken, that is Coldfeet sporting rosy red cheeks and a huge smile in one of the pictures. What a great way to kick off your first winter of retirement.
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