I've run into wolves many times. I've had them walk past my yard when my dog and I were standing 50 feet away. I've sat on a trail eating my lunch on a backpack trip for 5 minutes, only to see a wolf get up from its bed maybe 100 feet away and slink off. I never knew it was there. I've been circled by large packs trying to get downwind to figure out what I was. I've trapped them, walked up to them unarmed and jabbed them with drugs at the end of a short pole, and radio-collared them and necropsied them when they inevitably got shot or killed by other wolves. Only one of the wolves I've trapped behaved aggressively, and it was an old wolf that was blind in one eye and caught in a trap, so I can't blame it. It surely would have run off if it could have. Most of them just lay down and pretend they don't see you, hoping you don't see them. I've chased down injured wolves, unarmed, and noosed them with a noose pole.
I'll admit it would be unnerving to be approached by wolves if you haven't had that experience, but remaining calm is all you need to do. A dog might (maybe) deter a lone wolf which has no territory, but is more likely to attract the wrath of a territorial pack that would otherwise leave you alone.