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Peak Refuel Freeze Dried meals

Apr 27, 2020
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Rochester NY
I have purchased Mountain House meals forever. They are fine, but just in case I need a little shot of life I'll throw some sauce in there. I save the packets from Taco Bell and bring them along. Been eating the exact same 5 meals for years. Now, going on a longer trip with my brothers I was in charge of food procurement so I bought a bunch from different suppliers. They are all fine, but the Peak really emerged as our favorite.

I always cut back on the amount of recommended water, however with the Peak it was not needed. In fact, it was a bit to dry. We discovered it was best to go with their recommendations. Also, the quantities of food were such we found a 2 person meal did feed us much better then any of the others. We elected to save these Peak meals and consume them on our heavy portage days.

Now, I have been a fan of the shorter packages on Mountain House so you don't get your knuckles filthy trying to eat. Peak does not do this - they just give you more food. Taste and quantity are such that for the first time I will not be purchasing the bucket from Mountain House. Next trip I'm going with 100% Peak. I have happily been sucking down Mountain House for over 50 years, and they have improved their flavor over time. I am not dissatisfied with Mountain House in any way - their products have evolved and if I had no other choices they would be fine, but do give Peak a try. I think you will like it!
To each his/her own, I've tried a few Peak meals and was not overly impressed. I'm not that fond of Mountain House either but both brands are acceptable.

I usually purchase Alpine Aire and Backpackers Pantry, they have a wider assortment which I like because I have a hard time enjoying the same basic meal every day*. In Canada (Quebec) we also have Happy Yak, a little pricier than the others but mostly very good.

As far as these new "single serving" packs, they are just a marketing "scam" to make these meals seem cheaper given how much the prices have gone up in the past 5 years. When I first was buying these meal in a bag (1980's) they were about $5, these days a lot of the same ones are quickly creeping up to $20 (all CAD prices), the half size pouches are about 60% of the price for full size versions, essentially less for more.

I had virtual no fat reserves on my body, I always lose weight on extended trips no matter how many Calories I consume, the single servings are like a light snack.

If your knuckles are getting "filthy" you must not be using a long spoon?

* I met a couple of guys on a long (3+ weeks) trip a few years ago, they had nothing other than Mountain House Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, while I could survive on those I would not want to eat the exact same one day after day for 3+ weeks!

One thing that is absolutely true, the choices available today are so much better than what was available 40+ years ago.
Packit Gourmet is the best I've tried, I get meal boxes when I can afford it. Momofuku noodles are great. Alpine Aire I tried once, it wasn't for me. I generally take lenty of dried fruit and jerky. Stroopwaffles. Nuun water supplements, more just for variation than for minerals.
I like stroopwaffles, had them on my last trip. There is a new dehydrated food company based in Maine called ‘Good to Go’ but I haven’t tried them yet. Generally I don’t bring dehydrated meals but a couple times I’ve thought about it.
I love Peak. Their biscuits and gravy is the best of the freeze dried, and their breakfast scramble will legit feed two big people. It will fill 6 10" tortillas.

Alpine Aire is also popular around our camp.

Peak gives a pretty good discount to veterans/fire/etc. If you qualify.
I have enjoyed several of the Peak meals as well. I think they may be my favorite of the readily available complete freeze dried meals.
I love Peak. Their biscuits and gravy is the best of the freeze dried, and their breakfast scramble will legit feed two big people. It will fill 6 10" tortillas.

Alpine Aire is also popular around our camp.

Peak gives a pretty good discount to veterans/fire/etc. If you qualify.
When we opened the package and saw those biscuits sitting there we both just laughed, but it turned out we loved this one also!