When I first got my Northstar North Wind solo I took it for a paddle, on a local lake, and tried to do sit-n-switch.
I could barely get two strokes a side.
I decided I'd need a boat that tracks better, if I wanted to do sit-n-switch.
But tracking isn't just about rocker, it's about length too.
A 16' canoe with one inch of rocker might track as well as a 15' canoe with no rocker?
The theory behind asymmetrical rocker is you get a boat that both turns and tracks.
How well that works, in practice, is open for debate but it seems to be pretty well accepted.
Even some marathon racing canoes have asymmetrical rocker.
Then there is the separate issue with how far up the sides the widest point is.
It's been a long time since I've paddled a Wenonah. I know I liked my Encounter. It would be interesting to have a Northstar and a Wenonah on the same BWCAW trip and switch boats a few times. Or, more relevant for me, a flatwater river trip.