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Anyone selling a Savage River Blackwater or GRBNewman classic xl?

Mar 24, 2023
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Anyone selling a Savage River Blackwater or GRBNewman classic xl?

Looking for a used one.
Anyone selling a Savage River Blackwater or GRBNewman classic xl?

Looking for a used one.
There's been a Savage River listed on paddling.com for a while now. It's listed as 'Savage River Stock Solo Canoe,' and, since the Blackwater is Savage River's Stock Class racing solo, I assume that's what it is. The shape looks right for the Blackwater, but I can't tell for sure from the photos--maybe someone more familiar with the model can confirm.

I actually tried messaging the person through paddling.com a while ago, but I never heard back. Might still be worth a try.
thanks. I had not seen that one. I wonder if it is really old, as that price seems too good to be true. I'll try contacting the seller as well.


i was looking for a SR Blackwater a few months ago. I put in a word with Jeff Pederson, who deals with them at Southern Tier Canoe near Binghamton NY, He did not know if or when he would get one in, used or new. About a month later he called me with one that he had just got in. But it was too late, I already had bought a Swift Cruiser instead. I was also considering a GRB Legend, but Gene Newman did not have any ready to go, and the new build time is about a year.
So I did get the Swift cruiser 15.8. it's an ok solo boat, but not as good or as fast as I had hoped. a descent size and performance for loading up and tripping. it took Bill Swift only a month to build it to my race specs and personally deliver it to my home in north-central NY State on his delivery route. Meanwhile, unknown to me, my wife also ordered a Placidboat Shadow for me (for our 50th anniversary), and it was finally delivered after a year. long wait. I had Joe build up a higher than available high seat on the shado, that i ordered for single blade paddling. it is a good bit faster (and much tippier) than my Pb Rapidfire also with a high seat, and also faster than the Swift Cruiser.

Then a racing friend had me try his new Blackwater, the thrid solo on my wanted to try, but unavailable list of a year or more ago. He thought that it had a left turning bias for him, but for me it was notably faster than anything else I have and tracked perfectly straight for me with good turning response when I commanded it to turn. it was also far more stable feeling than my Shadow, which I feel I need to be careful to consider using if the weather is bad. So now I want one and will probably order a Blackwater soon after I talk to Ben Diller at Savage River with my specs.
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one of my concerns is not being able to paddle an example before buying one. I think I will have to try to get out to one of the big races (Ausable or Clinton) or something like that to paddle different boats. I did also see that GRB Newman has a race canoe called the Concept which looks really interesting, but i am leery about trying to use a race solo as my only all around boat.

I just had surgery, so can i connect with you in a few weeks. Not able to function right now. Do you have any pictures and a price? Also why selling?
Hi, I live in Rochester NY and have several canoes. A Savage River Saranac, Jensen 18, the GRB Classic XL, Hemlock Kestrel. A guy in Buffalo passed away (he had about 10 canoes) and his son sold them off. Since the son and I knew each other, he asked me if I wanted to buy the XL and I said yes as at the time I was thinking of doing the 90 Miler solo. Since then I have decided to only do the race with others (2 or 4 person). I have used the XL for training (Erie canal, Genesee river, etc). But, alas, this is my last year to race and I won't need it anymore. Ideally, I sell it at the end of August, but I am flexible. If you are serious, I will email/text pics and a price (I have no idea what it is worth). Last winter I had Dave Curtis at Hemlock raise the stock seat slightly and refinish the exterior (shell). It looks nice, but you should know it is at least 20 years old. Todd
do you expect to sell the Saranac at any time? I have raced that boat (not owned by me) several times on the 90, and the Yukon races.
I have raced the Saranac (someone else's) in the 90 and we did really well...importantly we had a blast. So just 2 weeks ago I bought a used Saranac from a couple in MA who are serious racers (hold a record for YRQ) and who switched to the GRB Mach 4.
I was hoping to use it for the race this year but may look to sell either before or after (depending on if my crew follows through- LOL). If you are serious, I will keep in touch. The canoe is located on Upper Saranac Lake. It is set up for racing. Please know it has been raced hard (several patches) but is in very good shape.
Yes, sliding seats. I have no idea on your carbon question. I am going up next week and will check things out. As I mentioned, it was set up for racing by serious racers.
If it was set up for racing, if it was like the ones I have raced, the seats are mounted to slide side to side on smooth carbon tubes which have to be frequently cleaned of any grit and lubricated with bicycle chain lube. I raced in one of two Saranacs that were the very first C4s ever to be allowed to race in the YRQ in 2017 after we petitioned the race offiicials committee (particularly Jeff) to allow that class of canoe. We have previously raced voygeur canoes in the YRQ and Y1K.

I don't know if the mach 4 is any faster overall. Of course it depends largely on the crew, but after being passed in our rented kevlar Wenonah C4 during the 90 miler by more than one Saranac before the GRB came along, I am unsure which boat is best.
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The sellers told me I have to silicone (they gave me the spray) the tubes every 4-5 hours of paddling. I will look to see what they are made of. The year I raced the Saranac in the 90 miler, the 4 of us had never met in person and we came in first in the over 40 stock C-4 division. We passed wenonah Minn 4s the whole race. I don't know anything about the GRB because I only enter stock classes.
I will be back to you with more details if you want.