Yall been watching Deliverance again? LOL I grew up in the back woods of deep east Texas. We did not have AC in our house until my dad bought a window unit when I was in high school. I slept with my window open most of the year listening to the sounds of the forest. I love it. Whether...
The Neches River at Evadale had been at 16' or higher all summer long. It finally dropped to 8' a few weeks ago. My son and I planned to paddle the 40 mile trip we have done many times. We left after work on Wednesday. When we got there it was pouring. It was already late and there was no end...
Unfortunately most kids are not taught knife safety anymore. I believe dads, or other father figure, should take the time to teach their sons how to properly handle a knife of any kind. Same with guns, but knives especially since they are more easily accessible. One of the best ways is to just...
Yea, I didn't even think about that. I had it off my driveway in about 3 hours. No telling how long it would have taken for my insurance to get someone out. The main thing was getting my driveway clear so we could drive out. I've just been taking my time to clear the rest. Over the weekend...
I have a dry creek behind my house that I really wanted to put in and paddle around. I have done it before after a lot of rain, but I had too much to clean up.
It is weird to me to hear about the storm affecting yall way up there. I kind of just assumed it fizzled out after it left Texas. There still parts of Houston that do not have power. It has been so long since we had a major hurricane blow through here there must have been a lot of tree growth...
I'm a big fan of Case Knives. Form my son's 12 birthday I had a small Case folder engraved for him. My 10yo son already has 4 or 5 pocket knives. Mostly lock blades in the 3 or 4 inch size. Both my sons acquired my love of collecting pocket knives. I guess most boys would.
Not too much trouble with loud talkers, but I've got a few friends who are loud snorers. I will wait and let them set up camp first, then pick a spot as far away as I can get. My son woke me up on one trip and said, "Daddy, I heard an alligator." He was genuinely scared.
If it is something that not many people do, I will spend a lot of time planning and researching. I will try to find trip reports. I will look at as many satellite photos of the area as I can find and mark potential camp sites and make mile markers. I will do some reading on the history of the...
We did not see a single snake. Yes, I have heard stories like that as well. Mainly on the upper Neches. We did have a canoe full of spiders, but they were harmless.