• Happy Birthday, Grandma Moses (1860-1961)! 🎨🖌️🖼️

ScottS's latest activity

  • ScottS
    ScottS replied to the thread Paddling deaths increased in 2023.
    Anyone can climb back onto a paddleboard. Very few people know how to deal with a capsized canoe.
  • ScottS
    ScottS replied to the thread Paddling deaths increased in 2023.
    In the past (I think from a ACA table), canoe drownings were mostly rental canoes with customers not wearing pfds, which lines up with...
  • ScottS
    ScottS replied to the thread PFD Zipper vs Buckles.
    Nice vest for whitewater rafting. Probably not very comfortable for canoeing. I'd look for low profile pfds.
  • ScottS
    ScottS replied to the thread PFD Zipper vs Buckles.
    It makes no difference if you're not going to wear it.