No. I've worked and camped in some of the remotest parts of the lower 48, alone, at night, and never carried a gun. I sometimes bring one car camping because I camp in remote non-campground areas where you occasionally see local yahoos out shining or drinking or both and you know they are...
I've run into wolves many times. I've had them walk past my yard when my dog and I were standing 50 feet away. I've sat on a trail eating my lunch on a backpack trip for 5 minutes, only to see a wolf get up from its bed maybe 100 feet away and slink off. I never knew it was there. I've been...
Yah, i've lived and camped and worked in remote areas all over the west. Everywhere the human foot print is spreading, nowhere is it getting smaller. Many places I go where it used to be desolate, now there's people. exurban development. Its actually worse in the West than it is in my part of...
Dang. Well keep looking. I was 75 miles from home when I saw the ad for mine. Took a brief side trip which was only 5 miles out of my way, and took her home.
Hesitation kills!
Yes this is true, but even with stable population it will continue as long as endless drive for endless economic growth continues. Population is only part of the problem.
No wolf attack happened, no wolf attack was happening, and no wolf attack was likely to happen. Just some kids with guns who got scared by some admittedly unnerving behavior of wild animals that they've probably been taught to fear. Caution and wariness is always needed around unpredictable...
I just picked one up recently. Its my first solo so I have nothing similar to compare it to, but I like it a lot after a few short paddles. It felt playful and I found myself wishing for some waves. It will take while to learn how to best handle it though. I'll be interested to hear how you like...