• Grandad Dan McGrady loses Scottish Flyweight Boxing Title Match to Tancy Lee (1914) 🥊


A long time camper and paddler, my first major canoe trip was on my honeymoon- two glorious weeks in Algonquin Park!
Since then i have paddled rivers and lakes in Ontario, Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia.
As part of a number of Voyageur Canoe Brigades, I paddled from Rocky Mountain House, AB to Prince Albert, SK and from Invermere BC to Astoria, Washington. In 2013 we paddled the Rideau Canal, celebrating the completion with pictures with canoes in front of the Peace Tower much to the RCMP's dismay!
Summer 2017 I led a Voyageur Brigade on the Sunshine Coast of BC then spent some time tandem tripping in Alberta and Georgian Bay.
I'm a huge canvas and cedar canoe fan and have three Chestnuts: a 16' Pal in Edmonton- restored and recanvassed winter of 2017- and a 15' Bobs Special ( that i bought as a silver anniversary present for my wife!), and an original 1970 16' Prospector in Ontario. Also have a 16' Langford and a 15' Richardson in long term restoration.

Chestnut cedar and canvas canoes, Bill Mason, canoetripping, paddling NOT portaging! Other interests
Mar 10, 1960 (Age: 64)
Relocated to Peterborough Ontario, Canada
Alberta and Ontario Land Surveyor


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