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Recent content by Cheeseandbeans

  1. Cheeseandbeans

    Anyone paddle an OT Stillwater?

    I have a Katahdin. Similar lines and dimensions I believe. It paddles about as fast sideways as forward, but it is very stable if that’s what you are after. I was planning on selling it (cheap) this spring. Bob
  2. Cheeseandbeans

    First paddle of 2025

    Got out yesterday with the new canoe. Thanks to Tsuga8 for finding open water and Simuliumvenustum for the input on the Keewaydin 16 Combi. It paddled beautifully. Bob
  3. Cheeseandbeans

    Matching Gelcoat

    I have too, but I don’t think they have green. I could be wrong. Bob
  4. Cheeseandbeans

    Matching Gelcoat

    I would call Jamestown distributors and speak with a tech. I have matched gel coats with their pigments before and it has worked well for patching purposes. If it isn’t a large fix, I personally would not paint it. Bob
  5. Cheeseandbeans

    Useful Youtube for Canoe Tripping

    I always enjoyed watching this character. Bob
  6. Cheeseandbeans

    Charity paddles- what length do you think?

    They look great! Really beautiful. I’ve always had luck stabilizing knots with super glue. A well know furniture maker suggested it and I’ve never had an issue. Probably very similar to what you used. You can even hit it with activator spray to speed things up. Bob
  7. Cheeseandbeans

    New (old) tool

    That’s a dandy! Nice find. Bob
  8. Cheeseandbeans

    Larger Canoe: Tumblehome or Not

    I’ve taken a 18.5’ TW Special with two guys and a week’s worth of food/gear and wished we had more freeboard in bigger water. We “pack light” also. 20’ sounds like a much safer and enjoyable ride with three in my opinion. Bob
  9. Cheeseandbeans

    Kenco Outfitters

    I have been there too. Great store. Bob
  10. Cheeseandbeans

    Peterborough Litelift restoration

    Good to hear. I used Titebond 3 on my 50 Pounder with no issues, but I know the usual is thickened epoxy. Much easier to not worry about the epoxy kicking too soon and either wasting some or noticing an alignment issue too late. I hope to get back after it this weekend. Bob
  11. Cheeseandbeans

    Peterborough Litelift restoration

    I use a belt sander to scarf the rib ends as well. I have seen folks use a chisel with success, but I don’t think I could get a steep enough angle safely. I will plane the tapers by hand. I enjoy hand tools when practical. What is your preferred glue for rib ends? Bob
  12. Cheeseandbeans

    Peterborough Litelift restoration

    A bit more work today. Both stem ends needed replaced and I made some reference marks with measurements to find my new rib tops and inwale locations when they are replaced. Bob
  13. Cheeseandbeans

    Loon Works Nakoma 1995 Project

    Ha yes- I’m glad it isn’t close. East Coast also. It will be stunning when it’s done I’m sure. Bob
  14. Cheeseandbeans

    Loon Works Nakoma 1995 Project

    Where are you located? Bob
  15. Cheeseandbeans

    Peterborough Litelift restoration

    I finally got this project back into my tiny shop. I removed the shear planks on one side and the rib end damage is further down than I anticipated on some, but still better than replacing full ribs. A couple cant ribs will need replaced also. At some point, the shear planking was replaced and...