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Recent content by Benson Gray

  1. Benson Gray

    Waltham on the Charles: A Canoeing Capital of the World in the Early 1900s

    Yes, every good canoe collection should have at least one courting canoe. See the image and link below for two of mine. Arguably, almost any canoe can be used for courting. Benson https://forums.wcha.org/threads/aa-grade-old-town-molitor-model-in-original-condition-from-1921.12325/
  2. Benson Gray

    Waltham on the Charles: A Canoeing Capital of the World in the Early 1900s

    This will not be streamed but they are planning to record it. I will post the link once it is available. The WCHA's YouTube channel at the link below has some similar presentations. Let me know if you need anything else, Benson https://www.youtube.com/@woodencanoeheritageassocia587/videos
  3. Benson Gray

    Waltham on the Charles: A Canoeing Capital of the World in the Early 1900s

    A presentation about "Waltham on the Charles: A Canoeing Capital of the World in the Early 1900s" will be on Wednesday, March 12, 2025 from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the Charles River Museum of Industry and Innovation,154 Moody St., Waltham, MA, 02453. See the link below for more details. Benson...
  4. Benson Gray

    Building a canoe

    The similar Stand-Up Paddleboards at https://clcboats.com/shop/boats/surf_boats/kaholo-stand-up-paddleboard.html may get you started. The link below offers another option. It has been said that anything you can do on a Stand-Up Paddleboard can be done in a canoe. Good luck, Benson...
  5. Benson Gray

    Making a canoe with a pocket knife, string and cheap tarp

    The link below has a similar example done with moose hide. Benson https://forums.wcha.org/threads/moose-hide-canoe.12314/
  6. Benson Gray

    Shoutout your local whitewater boat builder

    You may want to qualify this a bit more. It could be argued that any tripping canoe is designed for whitewater and most canoes meet that standard. The list of canoe builders at https://wcha.org/catalogs/maine-list.htm includes many who are actively manufacturing canoes today and hundreds more...
  7. Benson Gray

    The effect of tariffs on the paddling industry

    This is not a new issue. Tariffs have been impacting the distribution of canoes for over a hundred years. The link below has more details. The attached file contains the Old Town Canoe company's response to a proposed tariff on Canadian cedar in 1929. Benson...
  8. Benson Gray

    Does anyone have a canoe set up with a rowing rig ?

    A broad variety of these have been made over the years. The link below has more examples. Benson https://forums.wcha.org/threads/rowing-seat-found.3747/
  9. Benson Gray

    Is it possible to 3D print a canoe?

    It certainly could be done but you probably wouldn't be able to lift it. The link below describes a 3D printed boat that was 25 feet long and weighed 5000 pounds. It took 72 hours to build. Benson...
  10. Benson Gray

    Larger Canoe: Tumblehome or Not

    Be aware that there are different ways to measure capacity and you may find that not everyone is using the same formula. Some may use a simple length by width by depth formula, most calculate the volume of the canoe, others will actually load the canoe and then measure the freeboard in the...
  11. Benson Gray

    Has anyone tried a Slackseat?

    The link below has a leather version for canoes with open gunwales. Benson https://azlandtraditions.com/saddle-seat
  12. Benson Gray

    Craigslist Cape Cod - 1922 Old Town HW

    KAS Transport at https://shipyourkayak.com/ and similar services ship canoes, kayaks, and other small boats all over the country on a regular basis. Good luck, Benson
  13. Benson Gray

    Craigslist Cape Cod - 1922 Old Town HW

    The link below has more about this canoe if anyone is interested. Benson https://forums.wcha.org/threads/today-on-fans-of-the-wcha.19918/
  14. Benson Gray

    Hull Damage

    I thought that the wood/canvas comment was serious. Every single part is individually replaceable with ordinary hand tools. Canvas replacement is standard maintenance. There are restored examples around today that probably look better than when they originally left the factory. Benson
  15. Benson Gray

    The world’s first female whitewater open canoe designer

    I don't recall any square sterned kayaks from that era. The Old Town catalogs below from 1972 and 1980 don't show one. Benson