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    • Marten
      Marten replied to the thread Double paddle..worth it?.
      Glenn, you.make fair points but I sense most paddlers do not spend enough time in their boats to hone the single blade. Easier and more...
    • Marten
      Marten replied to the thread Double paddle..worth it?.
      I cruise along mindlessly at 5.5 to 6 kph in most situations with my double blade, I own no kayak paddles or Kayaks but my ADK Pac boat...
    • Marten
      Marten replied to the thread Double paddle..worth it?.
      I know I jumped to the dark side early in my canoeing life because of a work related injury to a shoulder. Back then you got eaten alive...
    • Marten
      Marten replied to the thread Double paddle..worth it?.
      Plus 1 on all that cruiser has said. The better a person is at using a single blade the less they will like a double. I stink with a...
    • Marten
      Marten replied to the thread Trip photography..
      I have gone to mostly video on canoe trips. I then edit all the clips into a video for youtube. Canoe videos are not too popular but at...
    • Marten
      I break my food up into two packages, that's how I fake lightening things up. One Ursack of things that don't mind getting wet goe in a...
    • Marten
      With the introduction of 20# canoes this may be doable for more of the younger crowd. Shorter trip the easier too. Having gone through...
    • Marten
      Marten replied to the thread More grocery store options..
      From the grocery I rely on Hamburger Helper and add dried ground venison. Tuna Helper with tuna packets or cans. Tortilla wraps with the...
    • Marten
      I never build a fire to just have a fire. I find them too noisy both visibly and audibly. A fire seems to have me transfixed on the...
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