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Everyone takes a knife with them, right ?

Apr 6, 2019
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Lets see what you take with you into the back country, or on a trip out for the weekend.
Knives are just tools, because we don't have sharp claws :)
I carry the same medium size lightweight lock back folder with an ATS 34 steel blade that I carry in my pocket constantly at home. I use it at least several times a day. I have brought bigger sheath knives, but didn't use them.
Nothing exciting. I carry a NRS co-pilot rescue knife on my pfd which I hope never to use. I also bring a "Swiss Army Knife" that my parents gave me when I was about 11-12 years old. It's one of those fat models with 2 blades, can opener, scissors, fish-scaler, saw, file, cork screw, magnifying glass and straight and phillips screwdrivers, and some other stuff I'm probably forgetting, most all of which are never used. It isn't terribly good at anything except it has the best dang tweezers in the world. Great for getting out splinters (especially when used with the magnifying glass). The scissors are decent (spring loaded). When I was a kid, I tried to use the magnifying glass to start a fire and as a "death ray" to be wielded against ants. In the end, no fires were successfully started and no ants were appreciably harmed.
I often take this one, made by canoetripping.net's very own resident knife maker, Rippy.

If I'm feeling frisky, I take this one, a knife that accompanied me in my misplaced youth, but some how a certain Mike M. found it in a pawn shop on the east coast and returned it to me.
A knife for sure, I have one on my PFD that is there only for rescue purpose, a Spyderco sheep foot fix blade. and I have a small victorinox for other tasks. that is with my PFD at all time, but when on trip, I will cary different knifes on my self around camps depending on what I choose before I leave. But I bring an axe on all trips other than pure ww day trips. I can do everything with my axe that a knife can do plus I can do all an axe can do to!!
Knives are a personal thing for a lot of people and for some seem to hold quite a bit of emotional attachment, for whatever reason.
I carry 2 a Helle GT and a 3" Gerber lock blade. I don't consider myself dressed without the Gerber.
Nothing special I'm afraid but never paddle or camp without my Swiss Army knife attached to my belt. Used the same one from the late 70's until they upped the security processes at airports- had 2 confiscated in Europe within a couple of years of each other.

And never camp without an Oxhead axe.

Nothing special I'm afraid but never paddle or camp without my Swiss Army knife attached to my belt. Used the same one from the late 70's until they upped the security processes at airports- had 2 confiscated in Europe within a couple of years of each other.

And never camp without an Oxhead axe.


I'd be near Naked, without my Swiss Army Tinker model. ! That tool saved me countless miles walking as a Janitor at the Local High School !

Easy to carry ! Only drawback is the lack of locking features !

I carried a Leathermen as a Custodian for the USPS for the same reason Jim. Retired now I like just the Gerber, the Leathermen is floating around in the back of my Jeep somewhere.
Nothing special I'm afraid but never paddle or camp without my Swiss Army knife attached to my belt. Used the same one from the late 70's until they upped the security processes at airports- had 2 confiscated in Europe within a couple of years of each other.

And never camp without an Oxhead axe.


funny you say that. in 09' I was on my way back to the airport from a convention in Orlando. I was returning my rental car, reached into my pocket and found a loaded 1911 magazine..
Detroit metro never saw it. Needless to say I dumped the ammo and put the mag in my checked luggage.
I prefer my leatherman...the heavy surge model... its saved me countless times. From tightening loose car racks to twisting wire over a broken canoe seat to freeing stuck tent door zippers. Like the swiss army knife guys, I wear it EVERYWHERE and dont consider myself dressed without it. I also carry a 6" folding filet knife for dinner prep and cleaning the days catch. (If I'm lucky)

I'd feel naked without my Swiss Army Mechanic! I don't drink fancy wine, so don't need a corkscrew, but a Real Phillips screwdriver is very handy! One when my tool pouch got stolen, I wired an entire condo with it. For backup I used to carry a Gerber Shorty (predecessor to the river shorty) on my vest, but lost it years ago, so now it's a second Swiss army or my big Tramontina kydex hunting knife if I might need to baton wood or use it for heavy-duty stuff
My favorite knife burned up, more like melted, when my house burned a few years back. I haven't found a replacement yet but dang the Ripster sure looks good to me and a midnight visit to mem's place might be in order! Mem, you might want to get a safe...a big one! :rolleyes:
Leatherman Super Tool is in the pack as a "toolbox". On my belt is always a fixed blade, usually a short scandi grind knife. And of oourse, a filet knife if there will be fishing.

My EDC is a Swiss Army "Officer Suisse" model which was the first knife my father gave me when I was 7. They no longer make that model, closeset is a "Tinker", I am amazed I have never lost this knife, as I have lost many pocket knives over the years. I just assume it has lots of Pop's good Mojo.


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Probably more knives than I need on a trip. Always a rescue knife on my PFD lash tab; everyone’s PFD in the family has a rescue knife.

Always a “Mechanic” Swiss Army knife and a Leatherman, in a little waterproof pouch in my essentials bag. I carry both because it is hard to tighten a machine screw and hold a nut at the same time when the screwdriver and pliers are on the same tool. Waterproof pouch storage because I know neither, despite being “stainless steel” would fare well over time in saltwater exposure.

The one I don’t actually much need is a Spyderco Aqua Salt sheath knife. I use it mostly to slice cheese and cured meats. A beta test freebie, Spyderco’s original H1 nitrogen alloy knife. I’m glad mine is yellow, without the black handle and TiCN coating; my cheese slicing is not a tactical operation conducted with night vision goggles.


That original Aqua Salt is least 10 years old, probably closer to 15, and at replacement cost the most expensive knife I’ll ever own. OK, I wouldn’t; I’d buy a dozen Opinel’s instead.

I paddle a lot of salt and tidal waters and, as a test (and because I’m lazy), I have never rinsed or cleaned it beyond wiping off the cheese film or meat grease.

Nitrogen alloy, I don’t think it can rust. After being dissatisfied with various stainless steel PFD knives in salt water exposure I bit the bullet and sprung for a Salt Rescue for my PFD lash tab.

To this day neither shows any hint of corrosion. Spyderco claims the H1 steel is “completely impervious to corrosion”. After 10 or 15 years of neglect and salt water abuse, I believe it.
There are a few other allows that are very good in corrosive environments. "Talonite" (Stellite 6BH) work very well, and Ocean Master makes a few dive knives and even a folder from "Beta Titanium".
Personally I've had good luck using a baked on coating called Molyresin on high carbon, non stainless blades.
Years ago I had an Emerson folder with me in the caribbean, the stainless blade did fine but it was pretty obvious some of the other hardware wasn't made from stainless or titanium.
evidently Ocean Master discontinued the folder but they still make dive knives and a few other styles from the beta titanium
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I carry folder in my pocket and a sheath knife in my day pack. The folder takes care of most of my cutting needs. I don't wear a sheath knife on me for fear of slipping and falling on it.


