My, what strange little knee bumpers you have. What the hell are those for?
P5260784 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
Not for a canoe. For padding out the drivers knee contact areas in the tripping truck.
I sometimes drive long shifts, and my most comfortable leg splay finds the collateral ligaments of my knees pressed directly against the hard plastic edge of the drivers door control panel on one side, and against the hard plastic console on the other side.
P5260788 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
WAAAHHHH!!!! I want my mommy. Or at least some minicel padding.
A couple scrap pieces of minicel cut and shaped and contact cemented in place.
P5280793 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
P5280794 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr
A test drive finds that to be oh so freaking much more comfortable. I may Dragonskin out a perfectly positioned custom dimple for my knee bones.
That padding brings back memories of driving the 1967 VW camper bus on long multi-week cross country trips. There was competition to see who could take the longest driving shift.
I hold the record; 1200 miles from Albuquerque NM to New Orleans. 26 straight hours.
The bus was slow, and also ungodly un-upholstered, with metal everything everywhere. I would pad out the Marquis de Sade drivers door with an ensolite pad before starting a driving shift. Jeeze, even in the 70s I guess I was a knee comfort wussie.

Not for a canoe. For padding out the drivers knee contact areas in the tripping truck.
I sometimes drive long shifts, and my most comfortable leg splay finds the collateral ligaments of my knees pressed directly against the hard plastic edge of the drivers door control panel on one side, and against the hard plastic console on the other side.

WAAAHHHH!!!! I want my mommy. Or at least some minicel padding.
A couple scrap pieces of minicel cut and shaped and contact cemented in place.

A test drive finds that to be oh so freaking much more comfortable. I may Dragonskin out a perfectly positioned custom dimple for my knee bones.
That padding brings back memories of driving the 1967 VW camper bus on long multi-week cross country trips. There was competition to see who could take the longest driving shift.
I hold the record; 1200 miles from Albuquerque NM to New Orleans. 26 straight hours.
The bus was slow, and also ungodly un-upholstered, with metal everything everywhere. I would pad out the Marquis de Sade drivers door with an ensolite pad before starting a driving shift. Jeeze, even in the 70s I guess I was a knee comfort wussie.