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Scarlet, is wet!

Jan 30, 2013
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Hello, I got my first canoe use, today at the local lake. It was cloudy here near Gettysburg, it was also breezy but it was fun. Ravenwolf;
We still have ice on the lakes, but the rivers are open. It must be nice to start fresh in your new canoe. Hope it turns out to be everything you expected...and then some!
Congrats RW. Hey Hey!!

What is your prospector like to paddle? If you went solo and hit a good breeze, you might have had something of a test: all of that freeboard and rocker.

Watch out for those winds on lakes. Waves can get big enough and quick enough to give you a hard time or even a dangerous pass.

Experienced canoeists take a serious approach to crossing open water in open canoes and tend to more or less hug the shore. The bigger the lake, the more this is true.

I don't intend to be alarmist, but this point is worth making since I don't know anything about your general boating experiece.

Riding lake waves in a canoe is a skill. Keep in mind that only 12" inches, or less, of plastic keeps the water out.

Anyway. The first go. How sweet it is. Have many more.
Hello. and yes, it was a hug the shore line day. Where I had to put in though you had go out into deep water, before swinging around to get into the cove. It was a little scary, but I was kneeling and VERY focused I will now outfit, with air bags, and a kneeling thwart. Best to you, and yours. Ravenwolf:
I still grin at your "And Now For The Rest Of The Story" post.

When the SN was new I had a similar day on a river but got rolled and had to leave the boat behind until the water level dropped.

Then I figured out that knowledge and judgement count.

The experience and another made me permanently chicken. Maybe I should go to paddling school. White-water paddling is, I have read, not nearly as intuitive as people think.

There's water in the rivers and it's warmer here. Maybe I'll try something easy next week.

Have you been back out?
Wonderful, to hear from you. We had a little snow here, so today I went to look at the Monocacy river. We have a small stream behind our farm Little s run which flows into Rock creek, which with Marsh creek meets to form the main stem of the Monocacy. I found a access place to park, it is nice to check out the water. My wife went with me, so she liked the drive also. Best to you and yours,Ravenwolf.
Is that the same Monocacy that goes into the Potomac? I poked around in the mouth 10 years ago. That river and the Potomac up there are still of interest. Thanks for bringing it up.

Winter keeps hanging on around here too.

acer, yes thats the same area, its all new to me. For I grew up 50 miles east on the Susquehanna river drainage, we now are on the Potomac, so all the drainage would be neat to check out, canoe wise that is. Best to you, eat some ham. Ravenwolf;
Small world. My map of the Mon goes only 100 yds from the mouth, but the area I passed thru on the way, farms and woods, suggested something good for the rest.

In the early 2000s I paddled the Potomac between Georgetown(Wash, DC) and Seneca Creek, which lies about 20 miles upstream. On the MD side that's all C&O Canal National Historic Park. On the VA side its a mix of state park and large private holdings. In any case both sides are woods just about all the way. You might get a peak at the roof of an old Kennedy residence or Ted Koppel's house or the Saudi ambassador's compound, but there's not much more.

Lots of wooded islands big and small break up the route. Many secluded channels wind among them.

The river here is falling thru a deep, narrow gorge as it leaves the piedmont for the lower coastal plain. Serious rock formations wall the passage in some areas, and very mature woods cover a lot of the narrow bottoms.

When the water is low and clear the underwater topography of sand and rock is dramatically contoured and it it's hard to avoid gawking.

It's all very pretty, historic as it gets, and there's usually little or no boat traffic except at the WW of Great Falls and adjacent Mather Gorge.

From Seneca Creek up to the Mon is a ways. I've covered a good part of it on foot and by mtn bike. Seems to be mostly woods and farms. Looked like fun.

You are right, there's a lot up that way to explore. And it's accessible, and even though that section of the P is quiet water and the bass fishing is famous, I don't remember seeing many or any big, bad boats tearing the place up. I did my exploring on week days, so I don't know about weekends.

"Eat some ham...." Nobody around here can translate that one. ????

Acer, good post as always, the weather looks good to go out Sunday? we will see, tomarrow going up near Raystown lake Amish area Mifflin county look at streams, and buy some trees maybe. Taking Chester my Greater Swiss Mountain dog along, wife and I are celebrating his birthday tomarrow, he will be sevan on Friday. Best to you, Ravenwolf;