I’m lounging on my couch, looking out the window sipping coffee as my dog is passed out on my legs. We have four canoes in our backyard. Three are paddle worthy, the fourth is an old 70’s OT project. My neighbor across the street has four rec kayaks, on a nicely built rack next to his garage. I’ve never seen them used. Hell, I’ve never seen the couple do anything together besides spray paint “FJB” on cardboard to cover a broken garage window next to their daycare. Which at one point actually spelled out F*** J** B****. The kayaks are overgrown by mulberry suckers and vines. They’ve been forgotten about.
After reading a lot of the posts for the latest poll on how much our partners are into canoeing compared to us. It made me think of two things. About how many hobbies or once passions have been abandoned to lack of a partners interest, a breakup, or a lack of interest from the other person? And how much stuff we have. After moving from place to place, and transferring hobbies from those places to an area less ideal, I’m guilty of this as well. I have a surfboard designed for standing river waves, which we hardly have here. A sad road bike that needs an owner. 13 or 15 snowboards in the shed, these aren’t abandoned, more of a collection.. my excuse. Hiking packs. Etc etc.
While on my last canoe trip, I ran into a couple of guys who have been to that area before. We all chatted for a bit. Turns out we have more in common than just canoe tripping. He lives in the Soo (Sault St. Marie, CAN) as a French teacher and mentioned while he lived in Michigan for a while he noticed that we have a lot of stuff. Now, people have stuff all over this world, there’s no denying that. French Canadians too. But we started to talk about how much was actually in peoples garages that aren’t being used anymore. Canoes. Bikes. Skis. Kayaks. Racks. All of it, very nice. Where I live, people MUST have the best s*** and the full kit to match. Everything visible and strapped to the vehicle or stashed in their garage, door open. They have everything!
When is it that we realize we have too much stuff? When we notice our kayaks have bird nests in them? When we have to juggle to make room for something else? Or when a good friend says “hey, you have a lot of stuff”?
I could probably write about this, the cost of things, the popularity and snowball it until this website tells me “file too large”. Maybe I just realized that I have too much stuff. Or is it that my property is too small? Perhaps it’s the congested traffic of out of state folks that is making me cranky right now. Regardless of what it is, it’s making me think about the packed garages of people I know. My residence. My neighbors. And us as a wasteful society.
How many things do we need to own until that old saying hits us? “Jack of all trades, master of none”
No, I think I’m just getting cranky as I’m creeping towards 40. Guess I really will be that old fart in my underwear yelling “get off my lawn” as my arms flap around like the used car lot blow up creatures.
Rant done!
After reading a lot of the posts for the latest poll on how much our partners are into canoeing compared to us. It made me think of two things. About how many hobbies or once passions have been abandoned to lack of a partners interest, a breakup, or a lack of interest from the other person? And how much stuff we have. After moving from place to place, and transferring hobbies from those places to an area less ideal, I’m guilty of this as well. I have a surfboard designed for standing river waves, which we hardly have here. A sad road bike that needs an owner. 13 or 15 snowboards in the shed, these aren’t abandoned, more of a collection.. my excuse. Hiking packs. Etc etc.
While on my last canoe trip, I ran into a couple of guys who have been to that area before. We all chatted for a bit. Turns out we have more in common than just canoe tripping. He lives in the Soo (Sault St. Marie, CAN) as a French teacher and mentioned while he lived in Michigan for a while he noticed that we have a lot of stuff. Now, people have stuff all over this world, there’s no denying that. French Canadians too. But we started to talk about how much was actually in peoples garages that aren’t being used anymore. Canoes. Bikes. Skis. Kayaks. Racks. All of it, very nice. Where I live, people MUST have the best s*** and the full kit to match. Everything visible and strapped to the vehicle or stashed in their garage, door open. They have everything!
When is it that we realize we have too much stuff? When we notice our kayaks have bird nests in them? When we have to juggle to make room for something else? Or when a good friend says “hey, you have a lot of stuff”?
I could probably write about this, the cost of things, the popularity and snowball it until this website tells me “file too large”. Maybe I just realized that I have too much stuff. Or is it that my property is too small? Perhaps it’s the congested traffic of out of state folks that is making me cranky right now. Regardless of what it is, it’s making me think about the packed garages of people I know. My residence. My neighbors. And us as a wasteful society.
How many things do we need to own until that old saying hits us? “Jack of all trades, master of none”
No, I think I’m just getting cranky as I’m creeping towards 40. Guess I really will be that old fart in my underwear yelling “get off my lawn” as my arms flap around like the used car lot blow up creatures.
Rant done!