As we all know a post created kind of a fire storm of opinions. The poster came back with a response that was not only positive but as one person said, "Sometimes the most difficult thing to write is a mea culpa". It takes a personal kind of courage to talk about a snafu especially on a public board. What I found amazing was the responses to TTA's post. This is why this board is such a special place and sets us all apart from all the other boards out there. In a chaotic world we all have a safe place to share our experiences, our talents and skills in the canoeing world. A kumbaya moment so to speak.
So tonight I will tip a can of liquid courage to all of you who frequent here (I will not mention the brand of adult beverage) in how we went from one point to a much better point. I have stated this before and will say it again, this is OUR board. Our contributions in many forms keep us going with a library of information that I think rivals any other board out there now. So, I applaud everyone for their positive responses and thank you for all you all do to keep CanoeTripping to the ideal that Robin set up for us all.
So tonight I will tip a can of liquid courage to all of you who frequent here (I will not mention the brand of adult beverage) in how we went from one point to a much better point. I have stated this before and will say it again, this is OUR board. Our contributions in many forms keep us going with a library of information that I think rivals any other board out there now. So, I applaud everyone for their positive responses and thank you for all you all do to keep CanoeTripping to the ideal that Robin set up for us all.