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Snowshoe hike and orienteering

Jun 30, 2014
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I was supposed to go skiing with a group of ladies here today but ended up snowshoeing instead because of a blocked highway that prevented me from meeting up with them. I had planned to snowshoe anyway so I just turned north to the Agassiz Forest and cruised about looking for a trail to follow. Once I had spotted a trail I geared up and headed off into the bush. I always take my pack on winter hikes because you just never know what can happen and if I have to spend a night out on the land I want to have some tea and a fire at least.

It was also fortunate that I had some paracord with me as I ended up breaking both bindings. As it was I managed to repair them but if I had gotten stuck out there in that deep snow I would have had a tough time getting out. I know it was deep because I dragged a tip and ended up face first in it. Deep AND cold. dang. It was supposed to be a nice day but the wind was pretty stiff and it got colder as the day went on. I got rather tired from breaking trail all day until the very end when I cut my own trail and followed it the rest of the way out. That was a lot easier going.

My Bastiens performed well again other than the bindings. Old thin leather is the culprit there and I was at Tandy the other day and picked up enough parts to repair them last night but obviously they need replacing entirely. Leather work project coming up!! I actually took my walking stick too. They are a little harder to locate out there when it is all snowy and such.

I scared up a couple of grouse and there were beaucoup bunny tracks. This could be a good place to go for rabbits. Another time perhaps.

As I was wandering about I took the time to stop and shoot bearings with my compass now and again, just for practice. It was rather a good thing that I had it since by the end of the day I was starting to wander more and not be attentive to my direction. The day could have turned out badly without it. And yes, it was a bit on the cold side for me and I did go a bit too far. I was out for @ 2.5 hours and I was pretty happy to see the car. Even happier to walk through the front door at home. The drive home was nasty.

All in all though, a fun day.


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Sounds and looks like a great trip. Nice photos. Good thing you went prepared with pack, cord, and compass. It's crazy how easily one can get disoriented on an overcast day in the woods. Retracing your steps is not always an option when you are ways into a loop. With enough paracord you would be able to McGyver a binding. Not traditional, but I use Bob Maki bindings on my wood and rawhide snowshoes.
In deep heavy bush like that you depend on the sun to navigate but you have to take changing positions into account.And cloud. dang. I was trying to do a loop and would have but I recognised the signs of me burning out so I had to cut it short. I am still working on figuring out my fitness levels. Instead of forging on with the plan I cut it short and shlepped back across the circle to try to intersect with my in route tracks. Successfully I might add. That is hard work though, breaking trail all the time.

Winter presents different and interesting challenges.Normally if I get a bit disoriented and my chest starts to hurt I just stop for a siesta. But it was cold for one and I would only get colder .Yes a fire would fix that but then I would not want to leave. If I waited it would be dark and then I have other challenges navigating. No flashlight for instance.. Also,I had changed my plan on the fly and no one knew where I was so oh boy would I have been yelled at. This was not my best prepared trip. I therefore stopped for some tea, weighed my options, and came up with an exit strategy. Then got the heck out of Dodge.
So all in all, a little adversity, some good practice in adapting to changing conditions, and some Macgyvering to get er all done. I do need to up my game for winter wanderings though.

Interesting to see some pictures of the inside of the Agassiz forest, al I normally get is a view from the highway.

he wind has certainly been a feature of this winter.

I'm always carrying way more stuff on a winter hike than in summer, usually a down parka and spare hats and mitts along with a tarp and or bivy bag, axe and a shovel for digging a snow shelter. I end up with a pack as big as I would normally take for a weekend. At least we don't have to worry about avalanche gear here in Manitoba!
Talk about the opposite of what I'm experiencing here in central NYS. I too was out yesterday but it was in the low 40s (F) and the snow is all gone. I kind of like what you still have a lot better. A sure sign that winter is almost over is I heard my first red winged blackbirds this morning. This is the earliest I've ever heard them; which surpasses the old record of March 3rd set just last year.

That's all for now. Thanks for sharing your trip with us all. Take care and until next time....be well.

Was told today that a co-workers dog came back from a walk in the woods with several ticks. It's way too early for those little buggers! I'll be keeping an eye out for them as I walk my dawg a lot of local trails and like you Snapper, the snow is going fast.

Still a foot or more of dense wet snow here in the woods in the western Adirondacks. Yesterday I was in Albany County at Thacher State Park working on a SAR incident with temp in the high 40's, low 50's F. No snow at all there except in roadside ditches and ice partially covering lowland stream edges.
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That first picture shows a windshield way too clean for winter, what gives? Nice report and some nice pictures, Thanks
I really enjoyed your winter walk, as I always do. I used to enjoy those drives too, but not so much anymore. It must have been nice and quiet in the woods out of the wind. Any bird life? A scattered handful of seed while brewing the tea might have brought redpolls and siskins out of hiding. I heartily recommend a thermos of something hot as a quick way to warm up and rest on a day like that. Saves firing up a stove too, but fires are always cheerful. I like your idea of fun, and glad you shared it. Thanks.
Robin, it started out a really nice sunny day. The next day was like that all day long...I should have gone then.

Yeah, a fire would have been nice Brad. Maybe a pot of pea soup with some bacon and ham in it. I will do that next time. Not much in the way of bird life, just a few grouse.

I found some snowshoe harness at the surplus store so I will be back in business while I make some new leather ones. It is calling for rain this weekend though so who knows.

Bothwell...the Agassiz is actually nice with a lot of open clearings where I was. Thick brush in the summer I bet though. I was about a km down the road to the Colony. This merits some more time down there.

This weeks trip....Lake Manitoba shoreline by St Ambroise. Very sunny and warm day with hardly any wind. Uncommon to be sure around here. I walked out a km or so, found a nice spot and cooked up some soup over a small fire. I had a nice Barresn landesque view across the lake. Lots of ice fishing going on...that may be a thing next year?

Anyway, I tried out my new shoes, which I like very much. They are SnowTrek 10x36 ovals. Much easier to walk in. I still had a tough walk back though which begs the question...what the heck am I thinking. I need to work on this. Maybe an ice shack to do overnights would be the answer? All things considered though,it was a fun day, I got out, had a fire, and a nice drive close to home. I will work my way up to overnighting. It's not really me I have to convince.


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St Ambroise has a provincial park, beach and wetland I was wanting to visit during one trip out to Manitoba, but we never did make it to the lake. I'm not sure, can't remember, there's a boardwalk for bird watching too? Those plans were all for summer. Looks pretty in winter too. And pretty cold? But it's a dry cold, right? Ha. I've been waiting for a follow up snowshoe TR, and am thankful for this. I'm sitting here tres jealous of your day out. Our world here shook off it's snowy mantle, and is wearing a shaggy brown coat in dire need of shedding.
If she puts up a ice shack and goes for over-nighters next year, at the least we will know where to send SAR.

There will be two holes in the ice eh. One for fishing. Dont fish in the wrong hole is all I can say.

Brad yes you have it exactly correct. There is a nice boardwalk and an observation tower as well. And a lovely long sand beach with wadable shallows that run for miles. A really nice place to spend the day in summer.Winter however, does not look to be in any particular hurry to go away, although I did see a string of Canada Geese overhead,which I thought was a bit early for them.