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Site Upgrade and Fund Raiser

Dec 9, 2014
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Penacook, NH on a back road
On January 30 SiteGround is migrating the site to a new server. This will happen late at night but there are some night owls here so if you can't connect for a bit this is the reason. I have contacted our IT guy who will do the finishing touches from our end so I am hoping all goes well.

Also, beginning the first week in Feb I will be starting the annual fund raiser for the site. When the time comes I will post info about it.

Just wanted to give a heads up on both of these!

I could donate a 10 x 12 1.1 Silicon Tundra Tarp for a fundraising raffle.

Total off subject ----But If you are interested in Antarctica go to the Cooke Custom Sewing facebook page to see a number of photos I took on a Sailboat- Kayaking time on the Peninsula. (No sign up required)
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Ahhh, the Raffle! I don't recall how it came about last year but I know I didn't have much to do with it besides make a bumbling video! I'd have to go back and check old posts. I'm in if you all want to do it again! Thanks Dan for the offer and yes, I have been following your adventures in the cold zone, amazing photo's but I do not envy you the sailboat ride. I was getting a little green in the gills looking at those pics!

I found the post that kind of got the "new" way of doing the raffle, go down to the second entry:

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2020 Fundraiser Raffle

I’m in, with the same scheme as last year – a Canoe Tripping donatee offers a raffle prize, with the proviso that the donatee is responsible for contacting the raffle winner for their address and shipping the prize.

It’s enough to ask Doug to keep track of donatee names, and the names of raffle participants who want to be included in the drawing, match up the donate with the winner and video the names drawn from the Almighty Coffee pot. And try to pronounce anonymous.


Doug needs both a videographer and a transcribing secretary. I suggest one of his grandkids, whom I teach (or bribe) to say “Mike McCrea” no matter the name when the Tundra Tarp comes up.

That video was fun to watch again. I started to salivate a little on the dehydrated pineapple slices, and really like that so many donated items are home crafted or DIY’s’, straps and ties, yoke pads and twig stoves. Having something made by a member of the community gives it special provenance.

I’m in. I have a couple of easy-to-mail colorful tarp or site flags

P9131222 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr

Those look nice attached to a cheerful Cooke Custom Sewing Tundra Tarp, or hang at water edge “We be here” on group base camp trips, flapping in the breeze with some High Intensity reflective tape winking brightly for late arrivals.

PA060096 by Mike McCrea, on Flickr

And probably some other DIY jizzwack; a custom-sized heat sealable dry bag, a two-holer canoe console or some such other of the winner’s choice.
I would like to add my book to the 2020 Fundraising Raffle. As you can see, it describes canoe trips that Kathleen and I took on the Coppermine, Seal, Anderson and Snowdrift Rivers. I had originally titled the book as the subtitle, but the publisher said, "That's boring." So Kathleen came up with the idea to summarize each trip with one word. She chose "Franklin" for the Coppermine River because we began our trip at Winter Lake, where Sir John Franklin began his trip down the Coppermine river in 1821. We somewhat followed in his footsteps by reading his diary.

She chose "Oops" for the Seal River because we had two plans to reach Churchill from the mouth of the river at Hudson Bay. Neither of them worked. She chose "Mud" for the Anderson River because we paddled out from our cabin on the spring flood, and endured muddy camping for most of the month-long trip.

If this sounds marginally familiar, it's because I have already presented these three trip reports on the canoetripping.net website. These three trip reports actually have some benefits compared to the book, which has all of the detail, but only a very limited subset of the images. My trip reports on this site include all of the images, and most of the detail. The book provides more background and all of the detail for these trips. I have not yet posted our trip down the Snowdrift River, but plan to do so later in the summer.

The cover shows Kathleen enjoying lunch above the Anderson River. As you might remember, bannock for breakfast is featured on all of our trips. And that 11-day drag/portage over the height of land from Winter Lake to the Coppermine River remains a highlight of our canoeing career. Polar bears on Hudson Bay also remain memorable.

Doug, here is the contact info from the last time, just in case anyone needs reminding. Hope you don't mind.

I've set up a Paypal account, here's the link to try to save you some time:


My email is douglas.doremus@gmail.com.

or if you want to send a check or some other donation here is my address:

Doug Doremus
71 Blackwater Rd
Penacook, NH, 03303

Thanks! I'll be posting soon about the fundraiser and raffle!

That’s already some fine raffle swag, and I will put my raffle prize thinking cap on. I appreciate the DIY projects and home-built gear folks share on Canoe Tripping; my stuff is nowhere near the levels of craftsmanship most of you demonstrate.

But, as easily-made, easily-mailed stuff, I’m in for a colorful tarp/site flag, and, as another prize, a dry bag, custom made to size and shape. Think sleeping pad, camp chair, 20” tall Grav Lab bong.

Probably some mystery items thrown in the box (No, that is not cannon fuse, put the Bic away, its abrasive cutting cord).

Oh goody, I love the CT raffle. It’s like celebrating Christmas in March, with a group of far flung friends.
Total off subject ----But If you are interested in Antarctica go to the Cooke Custom Sewing facebook page to see a number of photos I took on a Sailboat- Kayaking time on the Peninsula. (No sign up required)

Dan, very cool. The sailboat rocking and rolling made me want join you in hurling lunch over the rail, and the San Juan rapid had me grabbing at an imaginary gunwale.

I’m not on Facebook and never knew there was a way to make posts there publically visible. I’ve sorely missed reading some folk’s trip reports that are posted on Facebook but visible only to members.
Just wanted to give everyone an update on the SiteGround server migration. It went seamless and I don't think there was even any lag on the site during it. I also asked our IT guy to work on the back end and all is fine, well worth the money spent to keep us running well. So for now on the back end of the site all is good. Next post will be about the Fund Raiser.


Snail mailed you a calendar with a check for the fund raiser taped to the front of it. Count me in on the raffle.

Kayak_Ken (in a canoe)
Just sent, crazy but I don't know what happened to winter? Now to start planning spring and summer paddles. Didn't go enough last year. Keep me updated on raffles.