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Seeking canoe storage for 3 days Portland ME

Jul 7, 2022
Reaction score
Silk Hope NC
Not quite sure where to post this, but I’ll start here.

I’ll be in Portland Maine from Sept 28th through the 30th for work, then I’m heading out for a week to paddle somewhere (haven’t decided yet). I’d rather not leave the canoes on the roof of my truck for 3 days, and from what I’ve read so far, the parking for the hotel I’m staying at is in a garage.

I’m looking for a place to store the canoes, or any suggestions. I’ll have my Northstar Polaris and Bell Magic. Thanks in Advance.
Thanks I’ll keep this in mind. I was hoping for something closer and requiring less back tracking, but this might be a better option than leaving them on the truck in some random parking lot that’s who knows how far from where I’m staying.
Good idea, I never thought of that. Seems like the obvious first step in hindsight. For what they charge my company, they should have a room available just for my canoes.
We have been in Newfoundland with basicalky no internet
I live 45 min north of Portland with inside storage though I do store boats outside all summer on the lake I am in the woods
We will be hone
The parking garages are a chalkenge fir just a truck never mind one eith boats
Thanks for the offers everyone, calling the hotel first was definitely the way to go. They’re giving me the option of portaging them into the building and storing them inside, or leaving them on the truck and parking it in the ramp to the garage.
Keeping the canoes close and usable is best. I was going to offer my backyard also but an hour north or Portland. I hope the hotel works out for you.