• Happy Birthday, Marilyn Monroe (1926-62)! 🎥⭐👩🏼👄👠👗

DeLorme has been sold to Garmin

From the article it appears that the Gazeteer is in danger. I cannot imagine driving North Maine Woods roads without an updated Gazeteer. Nor Florida where we are finding back country camping via the Gazeteer

Crap, another victim of the electronica age to which I am unsubscribed. I’m a dinasour old-school paper map guy. I can’t imagine any pleasure derived from flipping electronic map pages and route dreaming while holding some device.

If anyone confirms that the Delorme State Atlas and Gazetteers will be going out of print please post.

I have the east coast well covered, and a few months ago added Colorado, Idaho, Texas, New Mexico, Wyoming and Nevada to the western library in consideration of a trip. The $100 tab for future reference hurt, but not as much as being lost and bewildered looking for some dirt road launch or cheap/free BLM or Nat’l Forest campsite.

Those map books are a road trip necessity for me and each well thumbed one has paid for itself many times over. If the State Atlas and Gazetteers were going the way of the dodo I would quickly drop another hundred beans to fill out some additional blank spaces.
Oh for the days when you could stop at any gas station, and pick up a free detailed state road map (all at the time were also "full service" and repair shops with a lift, check your oil, wash your windshield, replace your muffler). Free detailed useful maps that could live indefinitely in your car. What a concept.

How many vehicles have a Gazeteer still hiding under the back seat or in the trunk, there for years, maybe actively used or maybe "just in case". Can't really do that with the modern mode of electronic maps.
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At age 64 I'll probably make it to the end with my new Gazeteer. I'll pass it on to my kids.
At age 64 I'll probably make it to the end with my new Gazeteer. I'll pass it on to my kids.

Maybe, with the logging industry in decline. Usta be that you had to have a new Maine Gazeteer every year . Those circles that indicate "bridge out" are important. Last years Gazeteer might not have them. I tried to shortcut the Forks to Shirley once.. the old Gazetteer was missing a circle. My bad cost four hours.
Truth is I pretty much paddle 4 or 5 spots up there and the sketchy ones I'll either have Norm drive me or I'll ask him about the route.